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01-20-2009, 10:56 PM
Military Brass Joins Wired Troops (http://smallwarsjournal.com/blog/2009/01/military-brass-joins-wired-tro-1/)
by Dave Dilegge, SWJ Blog

Military Brass Joins Wired Troops (http://features.csmonitor.com/innovation/2009/01/20/military-brass-joins-wired-troops/): Admirals and generals hope to connect with soldiers via their own Facebook pages and blogs. But will they tweet?

Christian Science Monitor article by Gordon Lubold, and no we aren't making this up, that cites Small Wars Journal and innovation in the same breath... Damn, just damn.

Some of the US military’s top flag officers are becoming dedicated bloggers and attempting to change the military and extend their reach, one Facebook “friend” at a time.

They are using the Internet and social media to reach down within their own traditionally top-down organizations – and outside them, too – to do something the military isn’t known for: creating more transparency to empower young military leaders and the public.

Some senior officers say transforming the military means more than buying next-generation vehicles or developing new training. It’s giving more people more access to what they’re doing and thinking. That’s already happening as top officers create their own blog sites and Facebook pages in order to keep pace with the plugged-in, hyperconnected charges they lead...

As social media expands and its value becomes more apparent, those kinds of policies may be reassessed, defense officials say. Meanwhile, sites like Small Wars Journal (SWJ), a respected online forum, offer warrior academics a chance to vet ideas and build consensus.

“It connects the top thinkers on the direction the military should go as it adapts to the wars in the 21st century,” says John Nagl, a former Army officer and author who is a regular part of the debate on SWJ. “It allows instantaneous feedback and ideas to be debated in real time, and it accelerates the debate.”...

More at CSM (http://features.csmonitor.com/innovation/2009/01/20/military-brass-joins-wired-troops/) - and a hearty thanks - as well as a Tip of the Hat (Akubra (http://www.akubra.com.au/) is my brand) Gordon and John - much appreciated, to say the least.