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04-29-2006, 12:53 PM
Gateway Pundit Blog - The More of the Enemy We Kill, The Worse We Look (http://gatewaypundit.blogspot.com/2006/04/more-of-enemy-we-kill-worse-we-look.html).

Reader Terry Harris writes in with terrific catch from today's AP article on the War in Iraq:

The lead paragraphs from an AP article posted on FNC's website:

"BAGHDAD, Iraq — Iraqi forces killed a local Al Qaeda in Iraq leader and two other insurgents in a raid north of Baghdad on Friday, and roadside bombs killed an American soldier and an Iraqi policeman, officials said.

The death toll in two days of fighting around Baqouba climbed to 58 (emphasis mine), including seven Iraqi soldiers, Maj. Gen. Ahmed al-Awad said."

Not until the 15th paragraph do we see the following:

"Clashes and raids continued through the night, Iraqi officials said. In addition to the seven Iraqi soldiers, Ahmed said 49 insurgents were killed and 74 others were arrested (emphasis mine). U.S. officials said two civilians were killed and the wounded included 10 Iraqi soldiers, four policemen and four civilians."

Almost certainly the AP is counting enemy dead in their "death toll" figures. (7 Iraqi soldiers + 2 civilians + 49 insurgents = 58 dead.) I wonder how often during World War Two the media counted enemy dead in their "death toll" figures. Admitting I've never been in the military, I thought the idea in a war was to kill the enemy. The way the Associated Press reports these things, the more of the enemy we and our allies kill, the worse it looks. Is this by accident?

Think about it.

Terry Harris