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05-27-2017, 02:43 PM
A new, 94 pgs Henry Jackson Society (UK) report and the full title is 'Spotting the Signs: Identifying Vulnerability to Radicalisation Among Students', albeit from a very small sample.

Sadly topical after the Manchester bombing, as the bomber enrolled at a local university, then dropped out and funding his activity - in part - from a student loan to study another year.

From the summary the author explains:
examining the cases of 29 students who travelled, or attempted to travel, to work with extremist groups or fight for armed Islamist groups in Syria and Iraq. Through profiling and analysis of the cases it aims to provide a supportive tool to assist with understanding how indications of radicalisation, or vulnerability to radicalisation, manifest in real cases.Short of time? Try the two page infographic:http://henryjacksonsociety.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/2843-Spotting-the-Signs-Infographic-revise-1.pdf

Link to the report:http://henryjacksonsociety.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/Student-Fighters-Project.pdf

06-21-2017, 09:04 PM
A pointer to research on 'Gang members, domestic extremists vastly different, says first study to compare the two', with a number of links. It opens with:
Domestic extremists tend to be much older, better educated, more affluent, more religious, and are more likely to be white than street gang members, according to a sweeping new University of Colorado Boulder (http://www.colorado.edu/) study that systematically compares the groups for the first time. The study, funded by the U.S. Department of Justice and published in the journal Justice Quarterly, also found that contrary to popular belief, U.S. gang members seldom go on to become radicalized and commit acts of terrorism.Link:http://www.start.umd.edu/news/gang-members-domestic-extremists-vastly-different-says-first-study-compare-two# (http://www.start.umd.edu/news/gang-members-domestic-extremists-vastly-different-says-first-study-compare-two#.WUqI40_TaJg.twitter)

06-28-2017, 10:47 AM
One article from CTC's Sentinel on Spanish research; the Abstract says:
Violent radicalization leading to involvement in jihadi terrorism appears to be highly contingent upon two key factors of what has been termed “differential association,” namely contact with radicalizing agents and pre-existing social ties with other radicalized individuals. This empirical study, which examines all those arrested in Spain for jihadi terrorism activities over the four-year period between 2013 and 2016, quantitatively assesses the importance of these two factors and sheds light on why some individuals radicalize while many more with similar demographic and social characteristics, in the same country, do not. The importance of contact with a radicalizing agent points toward the relevance of ideology in the development of jihadi terrorists, while the significance of pre-existing social ties indicates the relevance of communitarian bonds with local networks, which facilitate terrorist radicalization and recruitment.Link:https://ctc.usma.edu/posts/differential-association-explaining-jihadi-radicalization-in-spain-a-quantitative-study

A couple of "gems" within:
35.3% of detainees radicalized exclusively online.....24.4% detainees appear to have radicalized only offline.....13.1% of all the detainees—about one out of every 10 of them—radicalized on their own without interacting with others aside from their exposure to jihadi propaganda, making them genuine cases of self-radicalization.

(in the conclusion) the importance of pre-existing social bonds emphasizes the relevance of local networks, made out of interpersonal ties and communitarian bonds, which facilitate jihadi radicalization and recruitment.9 Taken together, these two factors indicate that jihadi radicalization leading to terrorism involvement to a large extent is associated with social interactions through which individuals learn about ideas justifying terrorism.

08-05-2017, 08:05 PM
I have just merged in four stand alone threads, three with a UK theme, this thread now has had 185,969 views and has 250 posts.

10-24-2017, 12:15 AM
In his first interview, an FBI undercover operative tells Scott Pelley how he infiltrated al Qaeda and thwarted potential terror attacks planned for New York and Torontohttps://www.cbsnews.com/news/inside-al-qaeda-living-and-working-with-terrorists/

11-01-2017, 07:42 PM
Two articles found today.

'Jihadi Culture' by Thomas Hegghammer in a short Q&A:
discusses one of the most underexplored terrains of research on political violence, the culture of jihadi groupsYes there is a new book: Jihadi Culture: The Art and Social Practices of Militant Islamists (https://www.amazon.com/Jihadi-Culture-Practices-Militant-Islamists/dp/1107614562)was recently published.
Link to article:https://sustainablesecurity.org/2017/10/27/jihadi-culture-an-interview-with-thomas-hegghammer/

From a staff member @ Open Society Foundation, a slightly different viewpoint on 'The Truth About Terror and Youth Radicalization'

One sentence stood out:
A family member of one of the Barcelona attackers said of the terrorists, “All of them were well integrated here. All of them spoke Catalan, went to school and [had] jobs. But here in Ripoll, we are and will always be los moros” (a racial slur for people of Arab descent).Link:https://www.opensocietyfoundations.org/voices/truth-about-terror-and-youth-radicalization

11-29-2017, 06:11 PM
Peter Neumann of ICSR @ Kings College is a SME on this topic and a few weeks ago OSCE published a report he prepared for them. He explains in the summary what it contains:
This report provides a summary of my findings. It seeks to (1) define key concepts and major dynamics; (2) evaluate the OSCE’s current and future role; and (3) identify areas of good practice, with particular emphasis on preventing and countering processes of violent radicalisation.
Link to summary:http://icsr.info/2017/09/icsr-insight-release-director-peter-neumanns-osce-report/

Not read though. The full title is Countering Violent Extremism and Radicalisation that Lead to Terrorism: Ideas, Recommendations, and Good Practices from the OSCE Region.

12-26-2017, 02:25 PM
In a review of threads I have found an old thread 'Engineers in the Jihad', which is a useful read:Engineers of Jihad (http://council.smallwarsjournal.com/Engineers of Jihad)

A reference was made to the Oxford University study that started the Engineers thread in a recent article on Foreign Fighters:https://lawfareblog.com/foreign-fighter-hot-potato

12-27-2017, 11:39 AM
The full title of a book chapter is: 'Patterns of Disengagement from Violent Extremism: A Stocktaking of Current Knowledge and Implications for Counterterrorism' and added here as there is a free, lengthy bibliography for reference.

01-19-2018, 04:35 PM
Thanks to a "lurker" for the pointer to this New Scientist article, in August 2017; it is a good overview, even if most of the experts cited are Americans, like Atran, Sageman and Crenshaw.

02-05-2018, 08:24 PM
From the Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS) a report:
In this document, the Service will outline selected findings from research it has conducted over the past three years. The purpose of this document is not to answer questions such as what are the causes of terrorism and radicalization and how these phenomena can be prevented. Although these questions are important, this document is intended as an analysis of the process of mobilization to terrorist activity. It explores not why a person becomes radicalized, but rather how the person mobilizes to engage in terrorism.Link:https://csis.gc.ca/pblctns/thrpblctns/2018-02-05-en.php

02-06-2018, 06:34 PM
A short interview with an ICSR researcher, Rajan Basra; simply explained as:
Evidence suggests that criminal and jihadist milieus are more and more intertwined, challenging established beliefs about the incompatibility of criminal behavior and religious Islamic fundamentalism.

He was the co-author of a recent ICSR report (54 pgs.) 'Criminal Pasts, Terrorist Futures: European Jihadists and the New Crime-Terror Nexus'.

03-21-2018, 09:41 PM
A report by two academics / advocates (one of whom I recognise as a critical SME) from the Transnational Institute (TNI), a think tank and they explanation:
provides a critical account of the emergence of CVE policies and analyses their subsequent institutionalisation within three international bodies: the European Union, the United Nations, and the Global Counterterrorism Forum.

The summary ends with:
This report begins by examining the origins and proliferation of CVE policies and the problems that have accompanied and continue to surround their development and implementation. We then examine CVE policy and practice across the three aforementioned international bodies. The final sections contain conclusions and recommendations stemming from our research, including a framework we have developed to analyze the legitimacy of national CVE policies through their impact on fundamental rights and democratic and pluralist aspirations.

Finally, we would like to note from the outset that for all the ‘CVE mania’, it is surprising how little qualifies as the ‘evidence-led policy’ we hear so much about in other fields. Not only should we be asking for evidence that CVE policies are effective in terms of countering the terrorism, ‘radicalisation’ and extremism they purport to address, we should also be ensuring that in the absence of such evidence, policies do not risk exacerbating the divisions and grievances on which extremism feeds.

04-08-2018, 04:20 PM
A book review of Professor Olivier Roy's latest, very short book, with 99 pages 'Jihad and Death'. A "taster":
The conclusions Roy advances in Jihad and Death are based on a database of approximately 140 individuals “involved in terrorism in mainland France and/or having left France to take part in a ‘global’ jihad between 1994 and 2016.” While there is no singular terrorist biography, there are recurrent characteristics: second-generation immigrants or converts with backgrounds featuring petty crime and prison stays, and often seemingly well integrated into secular culture.

On Twitter an Oxford University academic, Easkandar Sadeghi, has commented:
Roy is most original when discussing these links between jihadism and other forms of youth culture and revolt, linking the self-performance element evident among many militants to video game heroes and a broader aestheticization of violence. In a welcome addition to literature on Islamic violence, he draws explicit parallels between “our” violence and “theirs,” noting that the “boundaries between a suicidal psychopath and a militant for the caliphate” have grown increasingly hazy.” While there is no singular terrorist biography, there are recurrent characteristics: second-generation immigrants or converts with backgrounds featuring petty crime and prison stays, and often seemingly well integrated into secular culture. He argues that “combat-sports clubs are more important than mosques in jihadi socialization,” drawing on examples like that of a group of Portuguese converts who joined ISIS and whose bond was solidified in a Thai boxing club.


05-03-2018, 06:58 PM
A contrary view on the theme there is an overlap between crime and terror via Stratfor. Two sentences:
An enduring and sometimes inescapable tendency in national security circles is inflated threat assessments. This is not surprising: it is usually far less dangerous to exaggerate than to downplay threats to national and international security.

The nexus thesis is based in large part on confirmation bias: analysts looking for cooperative relationships between criminals and terrorists almost invariably find them.

10-17-2018, 01:13 PM
Professor Michael Kenney at the University of Pittsburgh and the author of a superb book IMHO 'From Pablo to Osama: Trafficking and Terrorist Networks, Government Bureaucracies, and Competitive Adaptation' (published in 2007), has a new book coming 'The Islamic State in Britain: Radicalization and Resilience in an Activist Network'.

He has a short summary of the book and describes it as:
The result of all this soaking and poking is the first ethnographic study of a Salafi-jihadi network based in Europe that has been implicated in political violence and sending fighters to ISIS and other militant groups.

I particularly liked his closing two sentences:
Unless we understand why some young men and women in Britain, and the West more broadly, embrace extremist ideologies and why a smaller subset of them mobilize to violence, we are not likely to prevent these processes from continuing in the future. This has consequences for all of us.
Link to the book:https://www.cambridge.org/core/books/islamic-state-in-britain/FABB51AC91A4CE98DCF5184E2EF41D46

The main thread on radicalization is:http://council.smallwarsjournal.com/showthread.php?7188-Studies-on-radicalization-amp-comment (http://council.smallwarsjournal.com/showthread.php?7188-Studies-on-radicalization-amp-comments) (https://www.cambridge.org/core/books/islamic-state-in-britain/FABB51AC91A4CE98DCF5184E2EF41D46) (http://council.smallwarsjournal.com/showthread.php?7188-Studies-on-radicalization-amp-comments) (https://www.cambridge.org/core/books/islamic-state-in-britain/FABB51AC91A4CE98DCF5184E2EF41D46)

10-30-2018, 09:51 AM
Far too expensive to buy, spotted yesterday in an Oxford bookshop - over £100.

11-01-2018, 05:56 PM
An updated edition of a 2016 article by Professor Randy Borum (one time Forum member) after recent events. So it may be here already and without a working Search function I cannot tell.

His closing passage:
It is not always easy to “make sense” of lone-offender attacks. But by understanding their origins, elements and context, we can avoid misconceptions and more accurately describe the problem. That will be a key to helping detect and prevent these kinds of attacks.

11-03-2018, 10:46 AM
A CNN commentary by Peter Bergen, entitled 'Zeros trying to be heroes: what motivates terrorists'. He opens with:
When I was researching a book about Americans becoming violent jihadists, again and again I was struck by how often they were men who were going nowhere fast in life and who turned to violent jihadist ideology as a way of giving their lives greater meaning. They were often zeros trying to be heroes in their own story.The terrorist incidents of the past week in the United States show that this can also be the case for alleged right-wing terrorists such as Cesar Sayoc, who is accused of mailing crude bombs to prominent Democrats and others, and Robert Bowers, who is accused of killing 11 at a synagogue in Pittsburgh.
Both Sayoc and Bowers display some of the same characteristics as American jihadist terrorists: losers who attached themselves to extremist right-wing ideologies that gave meaning to their otherwise dead-end lives.

Just perhaps the latest attacks will be the last, alas I tend to agree with his last passage:
The truth is that zeros wanting to be heroes, motivated by a number of toxic ideologies and armed with semi-automatic weapons, will likely continue to massacre Americans at frequent intervals for the foreseeable future.

I do wonder whether parts of the USG are "clutching at straws" when I read of an academic project is getting (tiny) support ($731k):
to use the Western Jihadism Project’s data collection to create an algorithm that can predict when an individual will become radicalized.

Becoming 'radicalized' does not mean you become violent and from my reading IMHO the tipping point is so multi-faceted prediction is impossible.

A short article from New Zealand, actually originally in the WaPo, 'The psychology of how someone becomes radicalised' and focused on the extreme right in the USA:
For radicalisation to occur, there are three necessary ingredients, according to Kruglanski's research. The first is the universal need to live a worthwhile life - to have significance. People usually satisfy this need through socially accepted means, "like working hard, having families, other kinds of achievements," Kruglanski said. Radicals instead tend to place significance on their gender, religion or race. The second is "the narrative," which gives someone permission to use violence. Kruglanski said the narrative is usually that there is an enemy attacking your group, and the radical must fight to gain or maintain respect, honor or glory. The third necessary component is the community, or the network of people who validate the narrative and the violence.

11-12-2018, 09:36 PM
A really interesting France24 (TV) report that opens with:
When Paris was hit by two major terrorist attacks in 2015, France embarked on a painful journey to understand the radicalisation of its youth. Three years later, researchers have discredited initial theories about the “typical” home-grown terrorist.

I suspect other interested parties, including "experts" will not be pleased. At least the French have learnt faster than other nations - hopefully.

11-12-2018, 09:41 PM
The actual article is entitled: 'More laws won't stop terrorism but effective prevention is complex' and the author is different:
Dr Anne Aly is a federal Labor MP and former academic in the field of counter terrorism and countering violent extremism.

11-17-2018, 02:17 PM
A new Swedish report on extremism and organized crime paints a completely new picture of what the stereotypical offender behind those types of crimes looks like. 'We've been totally astonished by the findings,' the head author of the study told The Local.
Alas the link to the cited research report does not have an English translation.

11-29-2018, 07:01 PM
A notice on this conference in Oslo that has started. Added here as most of the talks have a summary added, which could act as a pointer to expertise available. I noted that The Norwegian Security Police and a former senior Danish Intelligence Service officer are speaking too. Scanning the experts most are from Scandinavia, one from the UK. Thanks to a "lurker" for this.

11-29-2018, 07:05 PM
From the Dutch think tank ICCT an excellent, short article and here is most of the second paragraph:
what most P/CVE strategies fail to demonstrate is that effective messaging is just one part of a holistic influence campaign where offline actions reinforce online messaging. The messages of extremist groups reach their intended audiences, resonate with them, and then – most importantly – offer them a pathway for action. If the movement speaks to you then you can, for instance, help spread their message online or offline, recruit and proselyte others, facilitate terrorist attacks or material flows, provide infrastructural support, or even become a local or foreign fighter. The appeal of the recruitment messaging is that these are action-oriented groups that can be supported or joined. Instead of solely offering online counter-narratives, P/CVE strategists should consider shifting their focus to offering what I call counter-engagement. Instead of offering alternative messages only, these efforts should shift towards offering alternatives things to do as well.

11-29-2018, 09:41 PM
A curious article from a previously unheard of organization, Orbmedia, and the key theme is:
New research suggests that relationships, like the friendships that drew Harmanto into Jemaah Islamiyah, may be among the most important factors in determining who joins these groups and who stays out of them.

11-30-2018, 07:29 PM
This paper is by Emily Winterbotham (RUSI) and is published by the Tony Blair Institute. It appears on a quick read to dispute that mothers can help and taken from the summary:
The rationale is that woman are inherently more peaceful than men and that, if empowered to do so, they can stop radicalisation to violence. Many schemes have focused on mothers. The assumption is that mothers are better able to detect signs of a move to extremism in their children. Critics of this approach point to the lack of publicly available evidence that supports it. There is (so far) no definitive evidence showing that mothers can spot and address increased radicalisation to violence in their children. This paper explores the thinking and assumptions behind this myth about women, and specifically mothers, in CVE programming.
Link:https://institute.global/insight/co-existence/do-mothers-know-best-how-assumptions-harm-cve? (https://institute.global/insight/co-existence/do-mothers-know-best-how-assumptions-harm-cve?utm_source=RUSI+Newsletter&utm_campaign=ba9ed3cb6f-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2018_08_31_04_21_COPY_01&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_0c9bbb5ef0-ba9ed3cb6f-46321677)

12-07-2018, 10:03 PM
The first, short article is 'Mass Radicalization in the USA: We are more radical than before. Why?' and appears on a previously unknown magazine website. Link:http://https://www.psychologytoday.com/gb/blog/friction/201812/mass-radicalization-in-the-usa

The second concerns 'Strategies for Rehabilitating Terrorists in U.S. Prisons' and the actual report's title is 'When Terrorists Come Home: The Need for Rehabilitating and Reintegrating America’s Convicted Jihadists'. Not read beyond the summary.


05-21-2019, 03:39 PM
A British report by CREST that examines:
Why do some ‘extremists’ or ‘extremist groups’ choose not to engage in violence, or only in particular forms of violence? Why is it that even in deeply violent groups there are often thresholds of violence that members rarely if ever cross?
With three different case studies and all free to access.

A book review of 'Home Grown: How Domestic Violence Turns Men Into Terrorists'. A book I'd missed, but the review is worth a peek, if only to think about the possible application.

Something different after a recommendation by a "lurker" of a philosopher who dissects what are terrorist acts supposed to achieve and how?

An excellent BBC overview on preventing extremism or in full 'A psychological understanding of the “extremist mindset” is essential to combat violence.'


07-14-2019, 10:09 AM
Raffaello Pantucci (RUSI) as a short overview, with a UK focus in an insurance publication. He starts with:
Amongst the reams of academic literature written on the topic, there is no single explanation or answer to how or why radicalisation happens. This process of radicalisation is a highly individualised one, driven by personal choices framed against a broader ideological backdrop.
He ends with:
The problem of radicalisation appears a perennial one, but how it expresses itself through different ideologies appears to broadly follow trends that go in similar directions; but as we move into a world where traditional groups hold an ever-more diffuse appeal and micro-ideologies start to emerge, how the threat picture expresses itself and who we need to pay attention to will become ever more confusing.