08-14-2009, 03:12 AM
As models of conflict in cyber space are bandied about how does TRADOC see educating warriors for a domain that has equal parts electrical engineer and mathematician? How does TRADOC see the soldier interacting as a component of cyber forces into the future?
Relative to this discussion the intelligence community sees cyber as exploitation through human assets, exploitation through the supply chain, but always exploitation. Advocates of the air-power analogy have begun a meme of cyber deterrence based on nuclear war. A weak metaphor heaped upon when you think the reverse would mean every person would own their own bomb. Other thinkers have created models of conflict based on castle walls (misguided in my opinion). The Marine Corps and Army have in the FM3-24 a more likely representative document of persistent low intensity conflict that models the constant noise of computer abuse closely.
How will this new domain be formalized into a conflict or battle space?
The Air Force paid for several skills assessments of cyber warriors and found that they did not exist in the civilian or military department of defense structure. How will this be changed?
Cyber space is a hierarchical eating mind numbing elusive domain more like a multi dimensional puzzle palace than a terrain for armor. How will concepts rooted in three dimensional space be changed to handle n-dimension space?
In the end information is the payload and weapons of cyber space. There are however ways of weaponizing and creating kinetic results from cyber weapons. How will that kind of war be proselytized in the future?
Cyber war is combat by intention. You can intend to do a lot of things but simple exploitation is only one of the many deeper capabilities. That being said intention will not always follow through with results. How will doctrine and training adapt to this type of result?
Relative to this discussion the intelligence community sees cyber as exploitation through human assets, exploitation through the supply chain, but always exploitation. Advocates of the air-power analogy have begun a meme of cyber deterrence based on nuclear war. A weak metaphor heaped upon when you think the reverse would mean every person would own their own bomb. Other thinkers have created models of conflict based on castle walls (misguided in my opinion). The Marine Corps and Army have in the FM3-24 a more likely representative document of persistent low intensity conflict that models the constant noise of computer abuse closely.
How will this new domain be formalized into a conflict or battle space?
The Air Force paid for several skills assessments of cyber warriors and found that they did not exist in the civilian or military department of defense structure. How will this be changed?
Cyber space is a hierarchical eating mind numbing elusive domain more like a multi dimensional puzzle palace than a terrain for armor. How will concepts rooted in three dimensional space be changed to handle n-dimension space?
In the end information is the payload and weapons of cyber space. There are however ways of weaponizing and creating kinetic results from cyber weapons. How will that kind of war be proselytized in the future?
Cyber war is combat by intention. You can intend to do a lot of things but simple exploitation is only one of the many deeper capabilities. That being said intention will not always follow through with results. How will doctrine and training adapt to this type of result?