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06-07-2006, 08:39 PM
With everything that is happening in Iraq....

Is this the best our brothers at the AFPS (http://www.defenselink.mil/news/articles.html) can do?

In this fight for our lives in the IO spectrum, I personally find the following fitting for a Bizzaro World Pulitzer Nomination:

Observing Iraq (http://www.defenselink.mil/news/Jun2006/20060607_5355.html)

By Jim Garamone
American Forces Press Service

QAIM, Iraq, June 7, 2006 – Editor's Note: AFPS reporter Jim Garamone has traveled in the U.S. Central Command theater since April, covering various aspects of the mission and the men and women who make it happen. In the course of his travels, Garamone has noted that many glimpses of life in Iraq are revealing and give a look into the window of the war on terror. Here are a few of those vignettes.

Boom, Boom! Out Go the Lights

Early one morning at Camp Hit came the unmistakable sound of a mortar launching. A door opened and a woman yelled, "Is that incoming or outgoing?"

Before anyone could answer came a huge "boom" that rocked the mud buildings. "Oh, that's definitely incoming," she said, and shut the door.

No one was injured in the attack.

Be Like Mike

Anbar province is the center of anti-coalition sentiment. Or is it?

The Iraqis in Anbar profess to not like Americans, but they are trying mighty hard to look like them. As you pass the men in the streets, they look with flint-hard stares -- underneath their New York Yankees or Chicago Bulls caps.

American companies find excellent billboards on Iraqi T-shirts, and Nike and Reebok shoes are "tres chic" here.

The Iraqis even emulate the servicemembers who are enforcing security around their cities. The latest fad among young men is to get "high and tight" haircuts like the soldiers and Marines who patrol in the area.

Silence is Scary

A line of servicemembers coming out of an Internet café is a moment of dread in Iraq.

"I hate to see that," said an officer as soldiers filed out of the facility at an Anbar province forward operating base.

He didn't like it because commanders shut down the Internet and phone lines without notice if they take casualties. Military officials do not want families to find out of the death or wounding of a loved one via e-mail or a satellite phone call. "Most soldiers wouldn't do that, but who wants to take the chance?" said a coalition official.

In this case, the café wasn't closed for a casualty, but a power surge that crashed the system. It may have been the only time losing all data was greeted with a sigh of relief.

From Halls of Monteczuma to Qaim?

In the Marine Corps it's all about the tradition of courage, bravery and loyalty. The service is masterful at tying its illustrious history to its challenging present.

At Qaim, the 1st Battalion, 7th Marines remembers its history by naming the various forward operating bases scattered throughout the region after glorious moments in Corps history. That is why Marines here can travel from Chapultepec to Belleau Wood to Iwo Jima to Hue City in one afternoon.

Who knows? In the future, perhaps Qaim may be added to the list.

Again, with all due respect - this is unsat in light of the information we need to get out....

06-07-2006, 08:56 PM
In the course of his travels, Garamone has noted that many glimpses of life in Iraq are revealing and give a look into the window of the war on terror.
Condescending? Patronizing?

No "due respect" at all is due the author or the publisher when reviewing that article. "Vignettes" that are both colorless and written at a middle school level. Reporting such as that destroys credibility with our own troops, and does nothing to boost the IO campaign at any point along the spectrum.

06-07-2006, 09:10 PM
Condescending? Patronizing?

With all due respect may be a Marine Corps' thing - it almost always precedes a dressing down - with plausible denial:)

Where is the next A1C Adrian Cronauer when you need him????

Tom Odom
06-08-2006, 07:30 PM
Believe it or not my Navy Chief in Rwanda lived in the same apt buidling as Cronauer in Alexandria, VA.

Both would be useful in responding to this illuminating reporting....

I believe the full phrase is "with all due respect to your rank" (this is REALLY important because you are acknowledging the import of said rank whatever it is). Then you can quasi-legally tell the wearer of said rank their intellect lagged behind their promotion or just REALLY REALLY imply that is the case.

Used it myself on occasion...

Also had it used on me by senior NCOs when I was a young shavetail in a time long, long ago...:)