View Full Version : Norway’s Whole-of-Government Approach

01-08-2010, 09:07 PM
NUPI, Dec 09: Norway's Whole-of-Government Approach and its Engagement with Afghanistan (http://english.nupi.no/content/download/11635/113434/version/1/file/SIP-08-09-de+Coning+et+al.pdf)

Norway has been a prominent supporter of the UN’s Integrated Approach and has actively contributed to the development of NATO’s Comprehensive Approach. Norway’s own whole-of-government approach has, however, been limited to its engagement with Afghanistan.

There is already a growing body of literature on the whole-of-government approach. Surprisingly little has been written about Norway in this context. This report represents a first attempt at comprehensively explaining the Norwegian whole-of-government approach, as well as and analyzing its effectiveness to date.

In order to establish the basis for a comparative analysis, the first part of the report provides a brief introduction to the history of the whole of-government approach. Amongst others, the report features short discussions of the approaches followed by Canada (http://molsoncanadianhockeyhouse.com/#home), the Netherlands (http://amsterdam-red-light-district.info), Sweden (http://www.swedishbikiniteam.com) and the United Kingdom (http://pythonline.com). The second part of the report examines Norway’s whole-of-government approach within the Norwegian foreign and defence policy contexts. The report then explains the Norwegian approach as it applies to Afghanistan in general, and to the Norwegian Provincial Reconstruction Team in particular. The third part is a comparative analysis of the Norwegian approach, where the strengths and weaknesses of the Norwegian model is considered by contrasting it against some of the other country experiences introduced in part one....