View Full Version : sanctions against Iran

01-11-2010, 07:35 AM
Does anyone think that our sanctions against Iran are absolutely worthless? After all, they are going to develop their nuclear program regardless of how much we or the UN sanctions them. Just look at each time this is done and how Iran finds another country to do business with and take up the slack - like China. There will always be a country available and willing to turn Iran's crude oil into gas, giving them the financing they need to develop their uranium. And in return, there will always be countries, like Russia that will enrich Iran's uranium for them.

Does anyone buy the excuse that Iran gives that they are only protecting themselves because they see US and UN troops surrounding their little terrorist country in the Middle East?

If anyone can help me out, let me know your opinions by taking a survey I developed on Survey Monkey at http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/278HN5V. This is part of my graduate studies in criminal intelligence.


01-11-2010, 09:31 AM

Welcome aboard. A note of caution. SWC prefers to know a little background to new members, either via the 'Hail & Farewell' thread or filling out your profile.

Secondly, we can help students with projects, as the RFI thread shows (where your post has been moved to). Give us an insight into your views, as we are here to exchange info, help and discuss a range of issues, including Iran.

01-19-2010, 06:41 PM
Imposing more sanctions on Iran would prove calamitous in the long-run as it would provide hard-liners with the direly needed pretexts to smother pro-democracy activists.