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View Full Version : Iran Helps Mississippi Doctors

02-03-2010, 02:18 PM
I just couldn't believe this, but it is true. Mississippi's Doctors are asking and receiving help from Iranian Doctors for help with a new Healthcare Model and it is working:eek: A Medical Mall was created based on the Iranian Health Houses Model.


02-03-2010, 02:58 PM
Now that is really neat! The program looks a little bit like the community clinics we used to have in the 1960's before they were closed down and the money diverted into large organizations which didn't meet the needs - I hope a similar thing doesn't happen in Mississippi :mad:.

Ken White
02-03-2010, 03:07 PM
We had the same thing in most States until the 50s when consolidation and centralization became the rage and they all got gobbled up by 'progress.' They were gone by the late 60s here as well.

We cannot improve something that works, no glory in that -- we have to reinvent it to 'prove' we're doing something, anything... :mad:

02-03-2010, 03:12 PM
marct, take a look at this on how Canada originally solved the financial Health care problem......and then the Tali-banksters got a hold of it and started to destroy it:mad:


Ken, yea I remember those clinics. If you got sick after hours or on weekends that is where you went instead of going to the Hospital Emergency Room. which would cost a fortune even back then.

William F. Owen
02-03-2010, 03:47 PM
Just checked. There are 4 community clinics within 1000m radius of my house! - and I get free healthcare... which I pay for via tax...... living the dream boys... living the dream..... :rolleyes:

02-03-2010, 04:00 PM
Just checked. There are 4 community clinics within 1000m radius of my house! - and I get free healthcare... which I pay for via tax...... living the dream boys... living the dream..... :rolleyes:

Wilf, thats great....I never new you lived in Mississippi.:D:D

02-03-2010, 08:02 PM
marct, take a look at this on how Canada originally solved the financial Health care problem......and then the Tali-banksters got a hold of it and started to destroy it:mad:


Notice that Paul Hellier is quoted as an authority. Since he is the one responsible for amalgamating our forces while holding the Defense portfolio, one has to wonder just how much of an "authority" he was on anything (an impression, BTW, that was just hammered home when I met him in the 1970's...).


Slap, do you know if any other states are looking at a similar system?

02-03-2010, 08:34 PM
Slap, do you know if any other states are looking at a similar system?

No I don't know of anybody but as Ken says we don't do that. First you have to form a commission and study it for a few years and spend some money....then you have to have a debate.:rolleyes: We are a system in decline unable to adapt:(

02-03-2010, 08:54 PM
No I don't know of anybody but as Ken says we don't do that. First you have to form a commission and study it for a few years and spend some money....then you have to have a debate.:rolleyes: We are a system in decline unable to adapt:(

And even if it was to be introduced more widely by a core of well meaning people who get it all right. Once it expands it will need more people and that’s where the gravy-trainers and the bureaucrats move in and take over. And to mirror Ken, they’ll keep fixing it till it’s broken. And it would of course also have to comply with a wide range of self defeating regulations; the sort of judder bars that may not exist in Iran.

Lets hope that in this example they manage to keep their heads above water and truly achieve something worthwhile and lasting. I take my hat off for these people for looking outside the box and pushing the boundaries.

02-06-2010, 12:50 AM
Canada's health care system has its own issues, most notably a severe shortage of doctors, particularly in rural areas. There are a number of causes for that problem, but probably the one with the greatest impact is the mass exodus of physicians to the US. Apparently the idea of serving as a doctor in West Frigidville, Sasketchewan at a Canadian health service salary is less appealing than the idea of raking in the bucks in southern California. Can't imagine why...

The notion that Government can solve its fiscal problems by issuing money is superficially appealing, but doesn't work terribly well. Ultimately Government has to cover is spending through taxes. Countries like Canada and Australia, with relatively small and relatively productive populations and large taxable extractive industries can get away with subsidizing a fair bit without excessive taxation on individuals. In Europe they just tax the hell out of the productive sector of the population and so far the social consensus behind that policy has held up. Everybody has to find their own way and there's no magic bullet.

I can't say I'm in love with the "single payer" idea across the spectrum, but I do think there's a real role for Government in providing primary health care, particularly in areas with high poverty. Has to do with that old saying about an ounce of prevention and a pound of cure.

I also think we should tax the hell out of junk food, fast food, crap food and sugar-intensive drinks and apply the proceeds to treatment of obesity-related illness, but somehow I don't think that one's gonna fly politically!