Threads 1 to 24 of 24

Forum: OEF - Horn of Africa

  1. OEF-Horn of Africa moved

    Started by davidbfpo, 11-14-2015
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 110,933
    11-14-2015 Go to last post
  2. Moved: Kenya (catch all)

    Started by Rex Brynen, 01-07-2008
  3. Moved: More Piracy Near Somalia

    Started by SWJED, 11-26-2005
  4. Moved: Eritrea: catch all

    Started by wm, 08-14-2007
  5. Moved: Somalia: not piracy catch all thread

    Started by SWJED, 05-13-2007
  6. Moved: Naval drama(s) off Arabia (catch all)

    Started by AdamG, 04-18-2015
  7. Moved: Another attack in Kenya

    Started by AdamG, 07-03-2014
  8. Moved: Somaliland: a peaceful place (catch all)

    Started by davidbfpo, 09-19-2013
  9. Moved: Mumbai-style attack in Kenya

    Started by omarali50, 04-06-2015
    kenya, recruitment, somalia, terrorism
  10. Moved: HVT strike by Al-Shabaab

    Started by davidbfpo, 03-31-2014
    al-shabaab, cia, kenya, somalia, terrorism, uganda
  11. Moved: U.S. Firm to Fight Somali Pirates

    Started by SWJED, 02-20-2015
  12. Moved: CNN displaying its geography skills again...

    Started by Fuchs, 10-17-2011
  13. Moved: Ethiopia: catch all

    Started by tequila, 04-24-2007
  14. Moved: the Bridge of Horns

    Started by Beelzebubalicious, 01-07-2010
  15. Moved: HOA SMEs?

    Started by nichols, 10-06-2008

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