Police Intelligence Operations
H/T to bismark17:
Here is the link to FM 3-19.50 via Secrecy News - U.S. Army Issues Manual on Police Intelligence Operations.
A new
U.S. Army Field Manual (pdf) introduces the concept of "police intelligence operations," an emerging hybrid of military intelligence and law enforcement.
"Police intelligence operations are a military police function that supports, enhances, and contributes to a commander's situational understanding and battlefield visualization and FP [force protection] programs by portraying the relevant criminal threat and friendly information, which may affect his operational and tactical environment."
The new manual presents doctrine that is broadly applicable to support military operations abroad as well as domestic military facility protection.
A copy of the new manual was obtained by Secrecy News.
Towards Optimal Police Patrol Routes with Genetic Algorithms
Towards Optimal Police Patrol Routes with Genetic Algorithms
It is quite consensual that police patrolling can be regarded as one of the best well-known practices for implementing public-safety preventive policies towards the combat of an assortment of urban crimes. However, the specification of successful police patrol routes is by no means a trivial task to pursue, mainly when one considers large demographic areas. In this work, we present the first results achieved with GAPatrol, a novel evolutionary multiagent-based simulation tool devised to assist police managers in the design of effective police patrol route strategies. One particular aspect investigated here relates to the GAPatrol’s facility to automatically discover crime hotspots, that is, highcrime- density regions (or targets) that deserve to be better covered by routine patrol surveillance. In order to testify the potentialities of the novel approach in such regard, simulation results related to two scenarios of study over the same artificial urban territory are presented and discussed here.
One consensus that has emerged in this sense is that identifying hotspots requires multiple complementary techniques, since no single method is good enough for all circumstances. With this in mind, in this paper, we present GAPatrol, a novel evolutionary multiagent-based simulation tool devised to assist police managers in the design of effective police patrol route strategies. As the specification of these patrol routing strategies is intimately associated with the discovery of hotspots, our claim is that such decision-support tool provides an alternative, automatic means for the elimitation and characterization of important crime hotspots that may exist or appear over a real demographic region of interest.
COPLINK: Managing Law Enforcement Data and Knowledge
In response to the September 11 terrorist attacks, major government efforts to modernize
federal law enforcement authorities’ intelligence collection and processing capabilities have
been initiated. At the state and local levels, crime and police report data is rapidly migrating
from paper records to automated records management systems in recent years, making
them increasingly accessible.
Intelligent Led Policing?
This management tool has been around in the UK for many years, the impetus actually came from an Audit Commission review (accountants) and then the National Intelligence Model (NIM) which was a top (central government) down (police) document.
After many years it is quite clear that ILP sounds fine, but has become a smokescreen for politically dictated targets. No gueses which comes first, ILP or targets?
ILP often fails to provide tactical intelligence for those on patrol or investigations and concentrates on higher levels.
Better stop, this gets me annoyed.
Oldest son is a west coast cop
who works in the police intel field. He has horror stories along that line -- and gray hair from that. I'm entirely too young to have gray headed kids...