Syria in 2017 (January-April)

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buzzz... Tehran concluded this already in 2011. Moscow didn't care until July 2015. As of 2013, neither was in a position to do anything about this.


  • Assad formally invites Russian and Iranian forces to Syria to defend it against foreign aggression
  • buzzzz... didn't happen (at least not in 2013; otherwise it would've been reported). While, the Pentagon and various of NATO allies stoped something like 15 minutes before from launching a military operation against Assad.


  • Russia begins dispatching naval units and combat aircraft to Syria
  • buzz... didn't happen (at least not in 2013). And was also not intended by the Russians.

    This happened only in 2015 and then for reasons I explained above: Putler went to Syria because he was sure Oblabla wouldn't. Indeed, because the Iranians told him that Oblabla promised Tehran he wouldn't. And Iranians could do so because Oblabla told them so - in exchange for his silly nuclear deal, signed... drums... in July 2015.

    Homework for Azor: connect the dots between the Iranian nuclear deal, signed in July 2015, and the Iranian call for a Russian military intervention, issued in July 2015.

    Any bells ringing there?


  • Iran starts an airlift of men and materiel using civilian airliners
  • buzzzz... is going on already since 2012. And...?


  • Iran and Russia publicly declare that the NFZ is illegal and that they will ignore it
  • buzzz... they can declar whatever they like. There's no NFZ, but a BLOCKADE.

    Now, pay attention, there might be a difference between these two expressions: 'blockade' and 'no-fly zone'. Seemingly, one consists of two words, and it could be the number of letters is different too. That might indicate that their meaning is different as well. Just for example, the former doesn't even require, say, US or allied aircraft to fly within the Syrian airspace. It only says, nothing is flying to or out of Syria.

    And then, all provided you can still follow, explain me please: who can, say, prevent Turkey from closing its airspace for all Russian aircraft if it likes to do so? (And keep in mind: Turkey did close its airspace for Russian military aircraft, ever since September 2015). Who can prevent Jordan from closing its airspace for all Iranian aircraft?

    And: who was in control of the Iraqi government as of 2013?

    But, sigh... and as frankly as always: these are things people like you do not think about, and that's why you then wonder about so many things like expressed in such posts like this one, and cry around 'can't believe, can't believe'.
  • 04-28-2017
    By Azor originally: From The Jamestown Foundation:

    By Pavel Felgenhauer

    More recently, however, reports surfaced that the SAA has flown a number of its still-operational jets to an airfield adjacent to the Khmeimim airbase, apparently to avoid another devastating US attack. But according to Russian military experts, being based out of an area near Khmeimim could seriously hamper further Syrian air operations (, April 20). Russia’s public bluff was called, and it turned out the Russian “denial of access” air defenses are not as formidable as believed and apparently guarantee cover from cruise missile attack only in the immediate vicinity of the Tartus and Khmeimim bases—a sobering climb-down for Russian state/military propaganda.
    Et tu, Pavel...? :rolleyes:

    Seems that with nobody checking the map of airfields in Syria is a sort of a virus. It spread from the CENTCOM via Department of Defence to the CNN and meanwhile caught even Pavel Felgenhauer...
  • 04-29-2017
    OUTLAW 09 do realize and hopefully accept the simple fact that OSINT provides roughly 80% of ALL intel....the remaining 20% is the technical side that usually is used to confirm...deny and or to monitor further developments.

    In the later years of AFG and Iraq the US ISR development and deployment of new ISR systems was massive and led to a short shift in emphasis BUT then they became so expensive to develop and deploy that they were scaled back ,,,many were designed to detect and locate HME..home made explosives which were driving the Iraqi and AFG IED wars...or used against poppy fields etc...

    HUMINT is really part and parcel of OSINT because say in a strategic debriefing environment it is a HUMINTer doing the work...why because only school trained and approved HUMINTers are allowed to do it....not just any ole Tom, Dick or Jane......

    Fun the height of the Cold War KGB had 27,000 employed in reading and analysis of OSINT in multiple languages.

    AND if RUMINT is correct it was a badly done Russian OSINT analysis that led to the Russian deploying a missile version that triggered Reagan and the Pershing/cruise missile stationing debate and SU....why because they had read an article on a weapons system that "officially sounded like it came from DoD" in Popular Mechanics complete with stretches thus they developed the SS22 to counter the future threat only to have the Americans stop all R&D on it six months later and they never picked up the stoppage...and they continued to produce their missile system thus leading to the cruise missile stationing debate to counter the new Soviet missile systems.

    So yes even the big boys sometimes get it wrong.

    If you have been following both this thread and Ukrainian thread you know was the lonely Brit sitting on his sofa that did the world's first really solid OSINT reporting and analysis on the 2013 Assad CWs attack when the rest of the entire MSM still was doubting it was a CW attack...since then he and others around him have developed a number of analysis tools for social media and media in general that are rapidly outperforming even intel OSINT tools...and they are free and open source.

    Out of that came @bellingcat now a premier OSINT analysis team and trainers for investigative journalism and a heavy users of social media for a number of things....

    LIKE basically calling CENTCOM lairs when they claimed they hit IS/AQ in a mosque not civilians...which would be a war crime and it was a war crime...
  • 04-29-2017
    OUTLAW 09

    Originally Posted by OUTLAW 09 View Post
    New US Admin looking for a quick win against IS in Syria, CENTCOM seems convinced only YPG can deliver that despite alarming consequences! do realize PKK is still the same 1978 Communist Party revolutionary group as it is in 2017?

    Footage allegedly of French forces in Northern #Raqqa countryside, supporting the SDF in the war against ISIS terrorists.

    Joint patrol of YPG and US troops on the border with Turkey in order to stop Turkish aggression.

    YPG, PKK's Syrian branch enjoys protection of US and Russia. This will lead to a long Turk-Arab-Kurd conflict post ISIS era that will last.

    But as soon as one of those three protective powers abandons the YPG - and this will happen sooner or later - it is in deep trouble

    With the Americans guarding them in Raqqa, the Russians in Afrin and the Assadis near Manbij, #Turkey can't attack the #YPG nowhere for now.

    US troops patrolling Kurdish held areas, recently attacked by the Turkish military

    Show of force.
    A combined#US-#YPG (not "SDF"!) convoy travels near the Turkish border in northern #Syria.

    That was fast, now that US troops spotted near Tal Abyad, the Russians are expected to show up around Manbij soon.

    Azor...when you see the YPG flag which is really the PKK 1978 battle flag and the US flag side by side in the photos did you ever think that the US would be fighting with a Communist led and inspired US named terror group which has been at war with a NATO member for over 40 odd years?

    When I was in Hannover with the US government I experienced a massive shot out between a PKK member and Turkish Consulate security personnel as he was attempting to gun down on a German street a Turkish Consul official...and the German government had the PKK member under full surveillance even in the fire fight but could not fire as they would have been in a cross fire.

    After a number of these attacks..Germany outlawed PKK and does send their members to prison if they stand up and openly push PKK actions and just got eight years for his actions recently.

    Supporters can demonstrate still but any official PKK banners/flags/pictures of their leader led to an immediate shut down of the demo and arrests....a simple sign stating the letters PKK is allowed under freedom of expression...

    With the US fully siding with YPG which is really PKK and Orton..Lister...Hassan..CrowBat and myself will tell you they are one and the the CENTCOM drive to supposedly "defeat" IS CENTCOM is in fact setting the US up for total long term failure... they are really in a short sighted way just setting the stage for a decade/decades or so of Kurd...Arab and Turkish conflicts.

    Right now Turkey fully believes that the US has repeatedly lied to them on their relationship and support for YPG and they have actually....

    If you are good at research go back and reread the recent HRW and AI reports of how YPG handles Arab areas that are truly Arab when they capture them...Arab areas and populations that YPG claims is "suddenly historically Kurdish".....

    You talk about Peshmerga..go back and reread about the relationship between Peshmerga and eye opener that CENTCOM does not talk about...nor will they as it counters their standard narrative about YPG...
  • 04-29-2017
    OUTLAW 09
    CrowBat...HTS has been releasing a unusual number of TOW strikes..any idea on who and or where they are getting them and who trained them?
  • 04-29-2017
    OUTLAW 09

    Originally Posted by CrowBat View Post
    Oh man, Azor... do I really have to waste even more time with this....

    After Gorbachev stopped the military cooperation with Syria, and stopped all the arms deliveries too, in 1988, Damascus stopped paying all debts to the USSR, rumoured at between US15 and 17 billion. From 1988 until today, Syrians didn't pay a single cent of that debt back to Moscow.

    For 10 years, from 2000 until 2011, Rosobornexport was literaly besieging the HQ of the SyAAF in order to secure orders. In 2001, they've sent a pair of Su-27s for Syrian for flight testing; five years later they've sponsored a huge, 15x4 metres big banner showing two Su-30s that was hung above the entry to the very same HQ; in 2007, they've sponsored live firing exercise for a big group of Syrian pilots in Russia, etc. Russians are really the last to make presents, but Syrians just didn't move. All of this was without any kind of success.

    Then Putin wrote off 50% of the Syrian debt - and what did he get in return? In 2008, Damascus cancelled all - and I mean: every single one - oil/gas and construction contracts signed with Moscow. Instead, he signed contracts with Chinese, Canadian and whatever other companies. Immediately afterwards, Assad ordered 33 second-hand MiG-23s from Belarus.

    And through all of this time, Moscow didn't once make any kind of use of that 'base' in Tartous. Not one ship stopped there, not one replenished, not one was repaired or else.

    In essence, and in summary: for 23 years - from 1988 until 2001 - military cooperation between Syria and Moscow was exactly this: 0.

    And shall I now talk about earlier times? Kweres and Jirrah ABs were constructed by Poles, Homs Military Academy by Czechoslovaks (who also had 10-15 professors teaching there for most of the 1960s and 1970s)... and it's long since I've lost the count of stories about Syrian officers having fistfights with their Soviet advisors (one even pistol-slaped one in the face) from the two periods during which there was any kind of a serious military cooperation (namely 1973-1975 and 1982-1988).

    But nah: Syria is a Russian 'client state'...?

    Surely enough, it is one: in the minds of drunken Russian nationalists, and those of clueless Westerners.

    Proof of what? How often have the Russians violated the airspace of any NATO country with their IFF-transponders off since that ROE was introduced, back in 2015? How do you provide proofs for 0?

    Well, one problem people like you have is this: you do not understand that people are talking, no matter in what positions they are. Even those with highest possible security clearances are doing that.

    Indeed, such especially - and foremost when asking for advice.

    And regarding Putler: 2+2 is 4. Always, and no matter from what side you try it.

    Sure, paid PR-clowns like Kujat (or take any of Putler's puppets in the USA, if you prefer) can appear on the TV and try to explain that 2+2 is 5, as often as they like, but 2+2 remains 4.

    And because 2+2 is always 4, it's simply silly to insinuate whatever kind of 'what ifs' about a country with the GNP of Spain and its ability to challenge the USA in an open military confrontation. Even more so in an area 2000 kilometres away from its borders, where it has NO bases, nor even any true allies.

    ... this is leaving me at lack of words.

    I'll expand my statement in which I expressed my expectation that people visiting forums of this kind should have at least the most basic understanding of military affairs: people trying to discuss such topics should also have the bare understanding of other people's abilities to inform themselves and 'connect the dots', too.

    Like I said above: 2+2 is 4. Always. So, if you would spend less time trying to discuss what ifs that belong within realms of science fiction, and instead trying to track Russian military activities, study their training, their equipment, strategy, tactics and doctrine, and then do so for years, perhaps even decades, then you would be in a position to draw logical conclusions not only about Russian military activities, but their military capabilities and intentions too.

    In such case, yes: OSINT is perfectly enough to draw perfectly useful conclusions. Thanks for asking.

    buzzzzz... Assad's air force is grounded, and he realizes he's left without troops to continue the war - which is why Iran launched its military intervention in Syria, in 2012. So what?

    buzzz... Tehran concluded this already in 2011. Moscow didn't care until July 2015. As of 2013, neither was in a position to do anything about this.

    buzzzz... didn't happen (at least not in 2013; otherwise it would've been reported). While, the Pentagon and various of NATO allies stoped something like 15 minutes before from launching a military operation against Assad.

    buzz... didn't happen (at least not in 2013). And was also not intended by the Russians.

    This happened only in 2015 and then for reasons I explained above: Putler went to Syria because he was sure Oblabla wouldn't. Indeed, because the Iranians told him that Oblabla promised Tehran he wouldn't. And Iranians could do so because Oblabla told them so - in exchange for his silly nuclear deal, signed... drums... in July 2015.

    Homework for Azor: connect the dots between the Iranian nuclear deal, signed in July 2015, and the Iranian call for a Russian military intervention, issued in July 2015.

    Any bells ringing there?

    buzzzz... is going on already since 2012. And...?

    buzzz... they can declar whatever they like. There's no NFZ, but a BLOCKADE.

    Now, pay attention, there might be a difference between these two expressions: 'blockade' and 'no-fly zone'. Seemingly, one consists of two words, and it could be the number of letters is different too. That might indicate that their meaning is different as well. Just for example, the former doesn't even require, say, US or allied aircraft to fly within the Syrian airspace. It only says, nothing is flying to or out of Syria.

    And then, all provided you can still follow, explain me please: who can, say, prevent Turkey from closing its airspace for all Russian aircraft if it likes to do so? (And keep in mind: Turkey did close its airspace for Russian military aircraft, ever since September 2015). Who can prevent Jordan from closing its airspace for all Iranian aircraft?

    And: who was in control of the Iraqi government as of 2013?

    But, sigh... and as frankly as always: these are things people like you do not think about, and that's why you then wonder about so many things like expressed in such posts like this one, and cry around 'can't believe, can't believe'.

    BUT WAIT....I had a highly educated Iraqi (Animal Vet) who spoke a beautiful Arabic who led a 40 man Ansar al Sunnah cell before we rolled him and his entire cell up....actually tell me 2 + 2 actually equals 5.
    In Persian

  • 04-29-2017
    OUTLAW 09 we go again....and that massive Trump "Wag the Dog moment" TLAM strike really got the attention of Assad and Putin did it not?

    Syria #Hama Several airstrikes with Chlorine Gas reported on #Lataminah this morning.
    Town is strategic target for #Assad-regime

    THIS after massive incendiary cluster munitions strikes and raining thermobaric 500lb bombs on it....

    BTW chlorine use is seen by OWPC as being a CW attack....
  • 04-29-2017
    OUTLAW 09
    This story largely posted here yesterday is now being picked up by US MSM.....

    The US now has troops patrolling the Syrian border to prevent two US allies from fighting each other.

    Notice how the US spin is that the Kurds are full fledged allies forgetting long the way the Communist PKK that is a US named terror group....

    Kind of a reverse US propaganda cover that fact up....
  • 04-29-2017
    OUTLAW 09

    Originally Posted by OUTLAW 09 View Post we go again....and that massive Trump "Wag the Dog moment" TLAM strike really got the attention of Assad and Putin did it not?

    Syria #Hama Several airstrikes with Chlorine Gas reported on #Lataminah this morning.
    Town is strategic target for #Assad-regime

    THIS after massive incendiary cluster munitions strikes and raining thermobaric 500lb bombs on it....

    BTW chlorine use is seen by OPCW as being a CW attack....

    Today is the 20th anniversary of the entry into force of the Chemical Weapons Convention.
    @OPCW now needed more than ever!

    Also signed by Russia....
  • 04-29-2017
    OUTLAW 09

    Originally Posted by OUTLAW 09 View Post
    New US Admin looking for a quick win against IS in Syria, CENTCOM seems convinced only YPG can deliver that despite alarming consequences! do realize PKK is still the same 1978 Communist Party revolutionary group as it is in 2017?

    Footage allegedly of French forces in Northern #Raqqa countryside, supporting the SDF in the war against ISIS terrorists.

    Joint patrol of YPG and US troops on the border with Turkey in order to stop Turkish aggression.

    YPG, PKK's Syrian branch enjoys protection of US and Russia. This will lead to a long Turk-Arab-Kurd conflict post ISIS era that will last.

    But as soon as one of those three protective powers abandons the YPG - and this will happen sooner or later - it is in deep trouble

    With the Americans guarding them in Raqqa, the Russians in Afrin and the Assadis near Manbij, #Turkey can't attack the #YPG nowhere for now.

    US troops patrolling Kurdish held areas, recently attacked by the Turkish military

    Show of force.
    A combined#US-#YPG (not "SDF"!) convoy travels near the Turkish border in northern #Syria.

    That was fast, now that US troops spotted near Tal Abyad, the Russians are expected to show up around Manbij soon.

    Azor...a lot of good that driving around that US SOF did with YPG on the border to Turkey....APPEARS Turkey did not "get the message"....

    Iraq: Turkish airstrikes have killed 14 #PKK fighters in Northern #Iraq today.
  • 04-29-2017
    OUTLAW 09
    1 Attachment(s)
    Sarmin, #idlib hit by a cluster rocket killing multiple people, unsure of exact model.
  • 04-29-2017
    OUTLAW 09
    1 Attachment(s)
    US can turn #Raqa into 'graveyard' for IS: Erdogan

    This map is extremely important to understand the Turkish fighting in and around Tal Abyad....What is interesting is that Turkey had presented a Raqqa attack plan to the US that foresaw Turkish troops and FSA coming down the main road from Tal Abyad which from a logistics and attack mode made perfect sense to the Turks.....

    BUT evidently the US and Kurds decided that should not happen and the Kurds have expanded their hold in this area to the determent of the FSA and Turks.

    If in fact the YPG takes Raqqa the Kurds will in effect have complete control of the border areas along the Turkish border with the exception of small FSA/TAF pockets.....which will in the end reinforce the Turkish believe that the US is not supporting them in their fight against PKK...
  • 04-29-2017
    OUTLAW 09
    1 Attachment(s)
    US troops at an Asayish checkpoint after passing through Qamishlo city centre

    U.S. went from taking side of non-state actor SDF/QSD/PKK over treaty ally Turkey to protecting YPG/PKK border areas from treaty ally Turkey you see what exactly CrowBat is talking about....????
  • 04-29-2017
    OUTLAW 09
    1 Attachment(s)
    Kurdish fighters from (#YPG) stand near a U.S military vehicle in the town of Darbasiya next to the Turkish border

    Amude people welcoming #US vehicles and holding hashtags #NoFlyZone4Rojava

    Azor...notice Kurds are not demanding a NFZ for Sunni's who are seeing far more air strikes than Turkey has carried out... never did respond that posting concerning the only Rojava Embassy being in Moscow months ago....
  • 04-29-2017
    OUTLAW 09
    AND here it comes....

    Turkish demands in CENTCOM: Give us a place at Raqqa battle via Tell Abyad or they will force YPG to leave Tell Rifaat and Manbij by Euphrates Shield forces.

    Surely CENTCOM did not see this coming did it????

    Erdogan will tell Trump: Turkey ready to take Raqqa "We won't allow creation of terror corridor on our south border"

    Raqqa will take 10-20K. There is no non-SDF force that big that will prioritize fighting ISIS.

    Unbelievable: PUK, Gorran, KDP factions ... in Duhok provincial council blame PKK for Turkish attacks on Sinjar!!…

    So Turkey is getting consensus on the problematic PKK presence in Sinjar from the KDP, the PUK and the US, a big sign of what lurks ahead.
  • 04-29-2017

    Originally Posted by OUTLAW 09 View Post
    This story largely posted here yesterday is now being picked up by US MSM.....

    The US now has troops patrolling the Syrian border to prevent two US allies from fighting each other.

    Notice how the US spin is that the Kurds are full fledged allies forgetting long the way the Communist PKK that is a US named terror group....

    Kind of a reverse US propaganda cover that fact up....

    'Providing evidence that 2 + 2 = 5'...
  • 04-29-2017
    OUTLAW 09

    Originally Posted by OUTLAW 09 View Post
    AND here it comes....

    Turkish demands in CENTCOM: Give us a place at Raqqa battle via Tell Abyad or they will force YPG to leave Tell Rifaat and Manbij by Euphrates Shield forces.

    Surely CENTCOM did not see this coming did it????

    Erdogan will tell Trump: Turkey ready to take Raqqa "We won't allow creation of terror corridor on our south border"

    Raqqa will take 10-20K. There is no non-SDF force that big that will prioritize fighting ISIS.

    Unbelievable: PUK, Gorran, KDP factions ... in Duhok provincial council blame PKK for Turkish attacks on Sinjar!!…

    So Turkey is getting consensus on the problematic PKK presence in Sinjar from the KDP, the PUK and the US, a big sign of what lurks ahead.

    Azor...this is what both CrowBat,myself and a lot of others have been saying.

    The assessment = taking #Raqqa immediately is more important than risking yrs of cross-border Turkey-#PKK war?

    TAF/FSA now have approximately 10K plus available to fight and FSA wants to take the IS capital

    But frankly speaking, any/all mitigation with #Turkey will determinedly fail, should the #YPG (as is expected) be the lead force for #Raqqa.

    Trump's NSC is saying the US will need a Divison on the ground...
  • 04-29-2017

    Originally Posted by OUTLAW 09 View Post
    CrowBat...HTS has been releasing a unusual number of TOW strikes..any idea on who and or where they are getting them and who trained them?

    Sure, it's similar to the situation from 2015: back then Nusra destroyed the Harakat Hazzm, and thus came in control of one of its TOW-teams with a stock of 3-4 operational TOWs. The team then fired these 'for Nusra', scoring three kills - and the Pentagon couldn't stop crying (through all the possible media, of course), that the (CIA's) operation of supporting insurgents failed and only results in arms being delivered to the extremists.

    Eventually, public pressure (conditioned by leaks from the Pentagon) resulted in the CIA bringing a decision to drop its support for the Harakat Hazzm, and then - in October 2015 - for Harakat Noureddin az-Zenghi (HNAZ). The leaders of the latter were left without foreign supporters, and the matter of fact is that no significant group in Syria can exist without such a source of finances, arms and supplies. Finding nobody ready to provide pays, arms, and supplies for their 3,000-4,000 fighters, HNAZ was left without the choice but to start cooperating with a number of private donors from Kuwait and Qatar.

    Over the time, their influence began dragging HNAZ towards the...correction: Wahhabist....side. Early this year, this led to the ultimate rift within the HNAZ: some of its leadership and part of the cadre defected to the HTS. The rest (foremost the hard-core FSyA-part, which was the majority of this movement) has joined Ahrar ash-Sham - primarily in order to find protection from the HTS.

    But, the part that went to the HTS is including at least one TOW-team, and an unknown stock of TOWs. And they're putting these to use. We'll see if they'll find a way to find replacement rounds too.
  • 04-29-2017
    OUTLAW 09
    1 Attachment(s)
    Colin Kahl‏#
    replying to @AbuJamajem
    YPG themselves mostly out & I would favor getting all SDF back east across river. But your "you guys are idiots" tone is unhelpful here.

    It's possible to put meaningful political & operational checks on SDF & address Turkey's core concerns. I'm just not sure Trump is up to it

    How'd it go when we promised the YPG would return east of the Euphrates?

    No alt force can take Raqqa for foreseeable future. And your assumption that US has to promise YPG too many concessions to do so is wrong.

    I'm confused. Your proposal to back SDF to squeeze ISIS while mitigating re:Turkey is precisely the Obama approach.

    BLUF....the US and Turkey are definitely on a collision course over the YPG and the YPG led attack on Raqqa...
  • 04-29-2017
    ... all of this nonsense about the PKK/PYD/YPG is just a pile of crap.

    The US support for that conglomerate makes only one thing sure: namely, that the war in Syria is going to go on even if Assad and all of his Assadists would disappear right now, and Russians and Iranians withdraw by tomorrow in the morning.

    Why? Because the PKK/PYD/YPG is not only at war with Turkey since 30 years, but also has meanwhile ethnically cleansed dozens of thousands of Sunni Arabs from N + NE Syria. Means: because it is not ending any of its existing wars, but making itself only new enemies.

    And the USA are supporting that.

    ...and then they wonder how comes the war in the Middle East never ends...
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