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  1. Just read "This kind of War" and found an chapter...

    Just read "This kind of War" and found an chapter 25 'Brave Legions' a similar - but differrent - take on this. His look is more from the professional vs. citizen soldier make up of the army, but...
  2. I digress, but

    Not to get too deep into the weeds, but the birth rate in most European nations, especially when controlling for non-Europeans, is dismally low. Take from the 1.5 or less birth rate what you will, I...
  3. What about identifying key indicators of society...

    What about identifying key indicators of society that support the contention. These would have to be proven of course, or at least supported. Then show their change over time and note the change...
  4. Scarcity of imperical data

    Goes in my favor these days, as the man said any editorial in the Times - or anywhere else for that matter - states wild claims with no proof.

    Your thoughts are very helpful in forming this...
  5. Alpha male death rate and war's effect on society

    I am deciding wether to spend any time on a project to look at the relationship between wars, or periods of war, and societal change from the assumption that are best, most alpha type males are the...
  6. Just to clarify the modern family the broken system or is the Army?
  7. Replies

    And so

    Is this also a symptom/driver of our Risk Management process?

    If the Warrior/Soldier is a victim, a hapless entity just waiting to be acted on by outside forces, does this not compute differently...
  8. Replies



    the words the speaker uses effects the impressionable listener, too. My soldiers sit there and listen to a man of authority tell them they are potential victims of espionage.

    Should these...
  9. Replies

    Terminology a reflection of mindset?

    I received a SAEDA brief the other day in which the CWO2 giving the briefing referred to targets of such operations (US service members) as "victims" several times. It got my Irish up a bit.

  10. Not as many good leaders, more bad leaders than...

    Not as many good leaders, more bad leaders than we would have wanted.

    My point exactly. The reaction to that is what I was speaking of, that is we suffered unnecessarily high casualties because...
  11. Agreed on all points, with caveats on all points...

    Our professional education has its most immediate roots in the mass production of leaders for the previous two world wars. A great deal of thought and effort was put into how our nation will mass...
  12. Well yes but..

    Thinking creatively in some situations kills one sooner than blind obedience. Think incoming (What's that sound, which direction is it coming from, is it ours or their's, which of my counter-battery...
  13. More education for more commitment

    I am unfamiliar with the history of the Academies' woes, however is there any precedent in making them six year institutions, awarding Masters Degrees and requiring six years of service? If the...
  14. Backing up a bit from the concept and looking at the motivation.

    Perhaps this was really just an all points bulletin to encourage commanders to do exactly what most here would advocate is needed to run a successful counter-insurgency.

    What the senior commanders...
  15. Indeed the PSG is key

    But the point of having a PMI is to get that expertise early on (Like Plebe/MS I year in my estimation) in the commissioning process, I thought.

    Really, most of the mechanics for producing better...
  16. Well...

    Since the JO's are sounding off on an old post and still occurring problem, I will too.

    I did the active duty green to gold after 6 years of service. Just finished the Infantry commissioning...
  17. Replies

    I know some of this team personally..

    The emphasis is not that this was the best they could show, but that they showed the worst. Why they would do that is a question they should have to answer, but once again it is obvious to those who...
  18. Afghan campaign (?) usefulness

    I am also in favor of a punitive raid, but if we had funded and led a successful insurgency in Iraq as well (opposed to a conventional war) would those two actions have not put enormous pressure on...
  19. Replies

    I sped through the thread so...

    Someone may have already mentioned this.

    I was in this part of Baghdad from Jan to June 2007. We took ground fire every time we flew without gunship escort from Jan to Mar or thereabouts.
  20. Just my 2 cents

    The 400m and 600m ranges for Afghan ambushes seems to originate from the max effective range of the PG / MG they are using while allowing them to break contact after the engagement. Their fire is...
  21. Replies

    What we carried

    Worn on Body/Uniform:

    ·******* M4 Carbine with PEQ-2 Laser/PAQ-4 Laser,
    ACOG/CCO,and 30 rounds of 5.56mm
    ball ammunition.
    ·******* Desert Camouflage Uniform with
  22. Replies

    Purifying water for a start

    I did eleven day patrols in Afghanistan and saw no water any where the whole time. Other times, it would have been unsafe regardless of the cholrine tabs. Water in that AO is so polluted with heavy...
  23. Replies

    There is a thread discussing this already

    I haven't the time to look/link it.

    As for those who feel 85 lbs is an acceptable combat load, I applaud you and say your nuts.

    Been both places, can attest that the MOLLE I absolutely will not...
  24. Entropy

    I apologize for my typing faster than my brain. I do recall that the discussion with my major quickly focused on the policy not the gaurd. Some perspective, this was the third gate on the compound....
  25. And Schmedlap

    That unit's situation is due directly to our policy of not having doctrine defenses regarding pro-wire and claymores, something I ran into over and again in that country. Beer or no (in the case of...
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