
Type: Posts; User: motorfirebox; Keyword(s):

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  1. Replies

    I think it's fair to say that both sides...

    I think it's fair to say that both sides overshoot. I mean, preventing a permanent director from being appointed for six years? What's that about?
  2. Replies

    Theft from legal, private owners accounts for a...

    Theft from legal, private owners accounts for a tiny share of criminal weapons--around 1%, depending on which source you pick (I often reference Following the Gun: Enforcing Federal Laws Against ...
  3. Replies

    Bleh. I'd have hoped that this board, at least,...

    Bleh. I'd have hoped that this board, at least, could avoid the usual ideological traps that this debate inevitably slides into.

    The issue most immediately facing the US, with regards to firearms,...
  4. Replies

    I dunno. Once, maybe. But even a one-time event...

    I dunno. Once, maybe. But even a one-time event would have a drastic effect on the political landscape, to the point of a coup. After that, I think political leadership would be in such flux that...
  5. Replies

    In that it could be equally applied to any...

    In that it could be equally applied to any article in the Bill of Rights, I suppose it does have slightly more to do with guns than attempting to equate homosexuality with communism(!?). Of course,...
  6. Replies

    I'm not sure what any of this has to do with guns.

    I'm not sure what any of this has to do with guns.
  7. Replies

    Yes, well, John Wayne is dead and buried, and...

    Yes, well, John Wayne is dead and buried, and soon too will be the generations promulgating the hatred, ignorance, and xenophobia exemplified by your earlier-linked article.
  8. Replies

    Simple answer, we've taken the concept of...

    Simple answer, we've taken the concept of capitalism and applied it to governance. What saner heads might refer to as "oligarchy" we refer to as "free market".
  9. Replies

    Oh, good grief.

    Oh, good grief.
  10. Replies

    Essentially, but it also directly taxes their...

    Essentially, but it also directly taxes their ability to act. For instance, without a guy in Washington to stick up for them, it's difficult for the ATF to get US Attorneys to hand out warrants or to...
  11. Replies

    The video games flap is just another moral panic....

    The video games flap is just another moral panic. In the 50s we had comic books turning kids gay, in the 80s we had Dungeons and Dragons leading to devil worship, in the oughts and teens we have...
  12. Replies

    It's worth pointing out that "enforcing existing...

    It's worth pointing out that "enforcing existing laws" means more than simply getting law enforcement off its ass. The ATF--the primary federal organ for dealing with illegal firearms--has been...
  13. Mm. I'm posting this so that I'll remember to not...

    Mm. I'm posting this so that I'll remember to not engage with you in the future: you are, without a doubt, the least intellectually honest person I've ever tried to have a discussion with. If you put...
  14. Wow. Just... wow. Wow.

    Wow. Just... wow.

  15. Really? You understood "the perception that if...

    Really? You understood "the perception that if you pool enough dubious loans together they somehow cease to be dubious" to be about government establishing perverse incentives? Because, wow. That's...
  16. Then you understand nothing. Silver Thursday...

    Then you understand nothing. Silver Thursday happened just fine without the government forcing anyone to buy anything. As for the government not watching what was going on--the government, at the...
  17. It is a necessary part of the financial system...

    It is a necessary part of the financial system that some people win and some people lose. In this case, the bad results of those bad loans would be passed back to the government itself and, for the...
  18. False. The financial shenanigans played by the...

    False. The financial shenanigans played by the financial sector could begin with any widely-replicated form of debt. You could do it with school loans. You're blaming the matches for burning down the...
  19. Actually......


    Home prices rising is not a bad thing, but it's not an indicator of economic health for those who aren't already well off. Renting a home is an economic burden, not an investment; home...
  20. Private investment allowed the housing bubble to...

    Private investment allowed the housing bubble to expand beyond the simple, minimal losses of bad mortgages into the subprime crisis. Private investment is currently allowing housing prices to bubble...
  21. His conclusion depends on there being a high...

    His conclusion depends on there being a high likelihood of retrieving good, actionable intelligence through the use of torture. All the evidence I've seen indicates that this likelihood is extremely...
  22. I'm really not looking forward to the coverage....

    I'm really not looking forward to the coverage. Breivik is just going to spout the same awful, racist crap that awful racists always spout.
  23. Replies

    This article...

    This article seems related, albeit unintentionally on the part of the author. It really seems like this is putting the cart before the horse. You have soldiers being stretched thin on repeated...
  24. Replies

    That position seems to be extremely problematic,...

    That position seems to be extremely problematic, since taken to its logical conclusion it would invalidate the judicial branch altogether. The courts exist as a check on the power of "the people",...
  25. Replies

    Yeah, that doesn't seem like an ideal response at...

    Yeah, that doesn't seem like an ideal response at all. I mean, ideal for whom? The soldier, who is likely to either get himself killed out on the battlefield because he's distracted by all that...
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