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  1. Replies

    Been busy

    Selling house and getting ready to move to be near the kids to help us old folks cope. Whoever came up with that 'Golden Years' foolishness was a blithering idiot. :wry:

    Agree with your comments...
  2. Replies


    However, in fairness to the Politicians, Republican and Democratic, their failures in this regard were broadly supported. One shouldn't forget that the Psychiatric and Psychologist communities were...
  3. Replies

    Not to mention

    Anyone who makes or supports the statement: is likely not an expert...

    That's an ideological or political statement, not a factual or accurate comment.

    So a guy who got where he was by playing...
  4. Replies

    The four above Posts are pretty well correct.

    Can't guard against nut cases with ANY Strategy; the NRA missed a chance to be part of the solution sez this Endowment Member, Slap and Bill as always add common sense. This isn't going away, the...
  5. Replies

    Too true...

    It's important that a lot of folks understand that your choice "realized" as opposed to 'thought,' 'believed' or some other nebulous word or phrase is appropriate and quite accurate.

    All we can do...
  6. Replies

    Wasted argument...

    In my view, that would depend on how well one did the job or was allowed to do it. We did a lousy job of it in part because we weren't allowed / did not choose / to do better. I understood what you...
  7. Replies

    Oh, I got it -- and you're still wrong...

    Take your pick of Politicians, either the dumb crowd that sent us there in the first place (both batches, both efforts...) or the two different batches that hamstrung the ongoing effort and would not...
  8. Replies

    What the book says is nothing...

    What most know is that wearing protective gear in a hot, humid forest is bound to lead to excessive and unsustainable heat casualties.

    No personal armor for ground troops in WW II. It did exist...
  9. Replies

    I'm not worried about NCOs micromanaging. Most don't...

    In US parlance, to micromanage generally involves excessive 'supervision' and failure to trust subordinates. Whether one task or a number, the degree of generally superfluous meddling is the...
  10. Replies

    Bad answer...

    What you wrote is accurate but it is subject to misinterpretation IMO.

    The way it's seen by too many senior uniformed people -- Officer and NCO -- is that old saw "An organization does well onlt...
  11. Bearing any burden... Again?

    Arguable on several levels. A major collapse might not be required, we -- the world -- could get simply get smarter. Unlikely, to be sure but a series of minor and more probable "collapses" could...
  12. Replies

    Because that Military has totally lost its way...

    Excellent question, scary answer...


    I'm not a Petraeus fan or a conspiracy theorist nor a am I a right wing ldeologue. In fact, I believe ideologues on both sides are slightly deranged...
  13. So do I appreciate all your efforts, David

    Very much so.

    No delicacy involved -- I've been accused of many things but that's a first :D -- just taking advantage of what I thought a non-issue as a reminder to all that the best of intentions...
  14. Replies


    You're a good cop... ;)
  15. Good comments.

    Heh. Stuff like that happens when and where ever well intentioned persons meddle when there was no real cause to do so...:wry:All true but agonizing over spilt milk apparently makes one feel good. ...
  16. Replies

    Oh, I'm sure the affair is the reason...

    However, it probably removes a potential 2016 candidate from contention. :wry:

    Which may or may not be why the FBI was accessing his e-mails...
  17. A few. Very small numbers...

    Then you remember that some Boat People had US ties but the majority by far were South (and former North...) Viet Namese Catholics who decided they'd rather not live under the rule of Hanoi -- who...
  18. Can't speak to Afghanistan, wasn't there.

    However, with respect to Viet Nam and a few other places, we did indeed leave a few, relatively speaking, people in bad straits. Certainly not millions by any stretch. For some the error was their...
  19. Very well said, thank you.

    I strongly agree that we are not such and further, even if we were, we do not have the physical capability of properly doing that 'safeguard' foolishness. All we do we when we try an fail is instill...
  20. True...

    I agree with that -- but is that not a function of the political factors that shape the institution (and they are pervasive...) and select the top brass? Serving individuals bear some...
  21. No problem. Any fault is mine, you reponded to my poor wording

    I meant that all nations look after their own interests; the US and Paksitan do not differ on that predilection even if their interests are vastly different and their methods are equally so.No...
  22. Yeah...

    Not special but breeders of ineffectiveness in the name of efficiency...:rolleyes:Exactly -- which is why I'm a fan of our ad-hocery. And why the bureaucracies hate and stomp on ad-hocery; thery...
  23. You're shooting at the wrong target...

    Testy is okay, misperceptions less so. You and Carl have misperceptions about the US Armed Forces and you tend to accord the hundreds (thousands when you include those retired) of US Flag Officers...
  24. "You go to war with the Army you've got..."

    No more broken than it's always been. We just don't have the money now to throw away on dozens of X- models that never make it into production.'Are' is present tense, I wrote that at the time I...
  25. Yes. However...

    All true -- but that was then, this is now and Pakistan has done much to help us and is also doing some things that are far from helpful and we all know that. As Bob's World is fond of illustrating,...
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