
Type: Posts; User: John Grenier; Keyword(s):

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  1. Nuff said.

    Nuff said.
  2. Pete, Yes, sir.


    Yes, sir.
  3. You've fallen for it -- of course in a system as...

    You've fallen for it -- of course in a system as large as the US military, some guys will get to the top. DP is the wunderkind and an extreme political animal -- the reason he got promoted wasn't...
  4. Pretty clear: the guys who puff out their chests...

    Pretty clear: the guys who puff out their chests and say that the academics "don't know anything because they have never been there" (which often isn't the case because the academics have been there...
  5. I will let Brian defend himself (if he even...

    I will let Brian defend himself (if he even cares). But I think its too easy to discount his expertise and the nuances of what he has to say as "niche expertise" ... the skepticism is often a fig...
  6. Replies

    The harsh reality of numbers--is it worth it? No way!!!

    Chris, that is the fundamental question our leaders need to ask. Let's not forget that just a Algeria was heating up, France was reading the ledger on Indochina. 90,000 DEAD between 1946 and 1954....
  7. Replies

    Bigeard passes on
  8. Doctrine is indeed a political football. Most of...

    Doctrine is indeed a political football. Most of it is not worth the paper it is printed on.

    Are you a member of SMH? I think you'll find that operational historians are a dying breed because...
  9. Brian Linn for one.

    Brian Linn for one.
  10. Replies

    Moyar's Book

    Has taken a lot of heat from the community of professional historians. It is a fine revision in that no one can rightly say that the US won the VN War (58K KIA, God only knows how many WIA, 1M+ VN...
  11. AFG not 1783 America

    The United States did not (in 1783-1787/89) have the same ethno-linguistic divisions that AFG has today. To expect the different AFG tribes and clans to come together and put aside their self...
  12. Well, his effects were counter-revolutionary, so...

    Well, his effects were counter-revolutionary, so to say he was a great insurgent thinker is seriously ahistorical. If he was in fact an insurgent like you claim, he then in fact became like most...
  13. Value of Late 19th/Early 20th-Century Small Wars

    A lot of professional historians have said that the proper model for understanding at least US actions in the current messes is the Phil. insurrection, but that is even an overdrawn historical...
  14. Replies

    What do you know?

    Klugzilla, paleez!:D
  15. Replies

    Value of Partisans

    Mosby shows just how useless partisans can be. All he did was kill and murder ... he had no lasting impact on Union strategy ... a minor pain in the ass to be sure, but like he was going to do...
  16. Replies

    Costs of French Army activity in Algeria

    Interesting posts. The "Torture Issue" always gets a lot of attention. I think one of the important lessons to be learned from the French experience in Algeria is how the French people became...
  17. Happiness = Property

    You understand, right, that "happiness" was 18th-century code word for "property," most fully in the form as in slaves? John Locke, when he was writing the "constitution" for the creation of South...
  18. Madison: a Conservative who wanted to support the Old Order

    JM was hardly an insurgent looking to mix up the old order. He wrote the Bill of Rights because of the radicals' (in places like PA and NC, two very large "states to be" with powerful...
Results 1 to 18 of 18