
Type: Posts; User: VileEvilDoer; Keyword(s):

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  1. Balance

    The irony is that the NCO Creed specifically states: "I will strive to remain technically and tactically proficient." Unfortunately, in the support branches we tend to overemphasize technical...
  2. Kids don't know how to think

    I tend to agree with Ken; give them proper training and guidance and they will do the job, and many will do it well. They majority just need a sense of purpose.

    In my experience, one blocking...
  3. I disagree...I do expect a private to do real...

    I disagree...I do expect a private to do real analysis; that is their job and I expect them to do their job. Will I put them on a task of high complexity? Maybe...depends on the talent level of the...
  4. Ken, I just escaped from the same schoolhouse...

    I just escaped from the same schoolhouse that Tracker is trapped in now and you are absolutely right. Instead of teaching the students how to find information, assess it, draw conclusions, and...
  5. Tracker, I feel your pain. Two months ago, I was...

    Tracker, I feel your pain. Two months ago, I was slaving away in the same schoolhouse, thinking similar thoughts. These kids are lacking in so much basic knowledge and so many basic skills it is...
Results 1 to 5 of 7