
Type: Posts; User: politicsbyothermeans; Keyword(s):

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  1. Replies

    Setting aside, for a moment, that this little...

    Setting aside, for a moment, that this little piece of "journalism" is about Green Berets, I mean Quiet Professionals, I mean US Special Forces, any American professional soldier that watches this...
  2. Replies

    My team and I (Civil Affairs) operated with a...

    My team and I (Civil Affairs) operated with a fair amount of autonomy. The guys we helped were a little fuzzy on how much of our butt the CSM was going to be able to chew when our stuff was...
  3. Replies

    I'm doing about ten things at once here but I'm...

    I'm doing about ten things at once here but I'm just thinking about it (swarming) when it really isn't a tactic at all. Specifically, I'm thinking about Mogadishu.

    The concept of "flash mobs"...
  4. Replies

    If a swarm takes a long time, do you call it a...

    If a swarm takes a long time, do you call it a surge?
  5. Replies

    I wonder what's worse... an honest national...

    I wonder what's worse... an honest national dialogue concerning our strategic aims, to include counterinsurgency, or the national apathy we are currently experiencing.

    Oh wait, nevermind.
  6. Newest evolution of FM 3-13, Information

    It looks like the new FM 3-13, Information, will be released in the next week or so. The intention of the manual is to go into much greater detail concerning the doctrinal changes made to...
  7. From an information operations perspective, what...

    From an information operations perspective, what is the value added? What does this do to tell the military story to the American people? Whenever a servicemember is KIA, the local, and sometimes...
  8. Replies

    I shall not name the GO but I know of a GO that...

    I shall not name the GO but I know of a GO that decided that he and his staff would wear their IBAs (with the Division standard loadout) while in the HQ for one week so that they could experience...
  9. Replies

    I'm completely with you and hope I don't sound...

    I'm completely with you and hope I don't sound the least bit snotty when I say that I hope that our logistical/technical skills have increased sufficiently in the last four decades that we could...
  10. Replies

    I was looking at some pictures of my grandfather...

    I was looking at some pictures of my grandfather and great uncles in WWII (and, my great grandfather in WWI) and I was pretty well struck by them wearing ties... into combat. I do not doubt that the...
  11. Replies

    Ramadi NCO teaser

    Folks, I imagine this couldn't be a looser set of parameters but, if there is any crowd better to ask, please point me towards them.

    I need to write a short vignette and I remember just a...
  12. Not to muddy the issue but, OMS and much of the...

    Not to muddy the issue but, OMS and much of the Sadrist infrastructure is geared towards easing the suffering of the downtrodden. Just because some, or even most, of your efforts go towards "good"...
  13. Replies

    Agreed. If only we could remember to worry...


    If only we could remember to worry less about our OERs and more about our dudes, we might not be having this discussion right now.
  14. Replies

    The question I asked myself, and had my Team...

    The question I asked myself, and had my Team Sergeant ask our bubbas, is "Do I really need this?" If the answer was no, put it in your bugout bag or in the truck. If the answer was yes, hang it...
  15. Van, agree with you personally and not sure what...

    Van, agree with you personally and not sure what to say about the advocacy position save that with rights come responsibility. While I see your point, after a few tours dealing with those who were...
  16. As a recently returned CA bubba and someone who...

    As a recently returned CA bubba and someone who has been working in Dreamland at Leavenworth for a few years, I would like to offer a few thoughts that I am considering putting into "learned paper...
  17. Was the slap firm enough? The number of bad...

    Was the slap firm enough?

    The number of bad guys we found with traceable Egyptian backgrounds, even if only while in transit to the OE, was and is entirely unacceptable.
Results 1 to 17 of 18