
Type: Posts; User: Lena; Keyword(s):

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  1. That's true. Especially since this is a part...

    That's true. Especially since this is a part which I am struggling with. Thanks for your help!
  2. Thanks! I will have a look at these texts, ...

    Thanks! I will have a look at these texts,

  3. Thanks! This book is already on my shelf and at...

    Thanks! This book is already on my shelf and at the top of my reading list. I am looking for a text that provides insights into the modern day US Army from an enlisted soldiers and/or junior...
  4. Replies

    I would recommend "Colder than Hell" by Joseph...

    I would recommend "Colder than Hell" by Joseph Owen. Found it to be a very interesting presentation of the Korean War.
    Also, Ernst Juenger's memoir "Storm of Steel" about the author's experience in...
  5. War Experience and Trauma in American Literature (WIP)

    Dear forum members,

    I am currently working on my dissertation in American Studies. I am at the beginning of my third year and while I nailed out my question, I could use some advice, to see my...
  6. Replies

    hi, I would also recommend "One Bullet Away"...


    I would also recommend "One Bullet Away" by Nathaniel Fick and "Generation Kill" by Evan Wright. Also very good are "My War: Killing Time in Iraq" by Colby Buzzell and "The Last True Story...
Results 1 to 6 of 6