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  1. Replies

    Strategy is rooted in principles and framed by...

    Strategy is rooted in principles and framed by human nature. That is why Sun Tzu, Thucydides and Clausewitz endure to serve as strategic guides. Good strategic understanding is the Appreciation of...
  2. Replies

    Bill, I suspect we disagree less than you might...

    Bill, I suspect we disagree less than you might imagine on this. Obviously we do not live in a black and white world. Rare is the conflict that is purely "within" or "between." Most are a fusion...
  3. Replies

    Certainly one can kill their way to victory in...

    Certainly one can kill their way to victory in war, it just depends on what type of victory one seeks.

    But if the war is an internal one, this is likely to be a pyrrhic victory.

    The "American...
  4. Replies

    Gotta disagree with Mark, as he is arguing based...

    Gotta disagree with Mark, as he is arguing based upon the US narrative on the war, rather than the Vietnamese reality. The "states" of North and South Vietnam were legal fictions created by the US...
  5. Replies

    Can't believe I am just reading this

    Confession, I've found it increasingly difficult to make it through books seeking to explain extremism to me. But I picked up "The Ugly American" on a whim during my last trip to the library, and...
  6. Replies

    Moderator Adds This post was copied from...

    Moderator Adds

    This post was copied from another thread: Strategy begins with empathy: Netflix series "Colony" and lightly edited to sit here.(Ends).

    The attached link is to an perspective on...
  7. As I said to begin the thread, "strategy begins...

    As I said to begin the thread, "strategy begins with empathy."

    And like every journey, one is not going to get very far without taking that first step.

    The attached link is to an perspective...
  8. You are crossing your streams again. None of...

    You are crossing your streams again.

    None of these insurgencies "required" massive foreign support - but if we create an insurgency and dedicate ourselves to grappling with it, our opponents will...
  9. Yes, TV shows are TV shows. One can fixate on...

    Yes, TV shows are TV shows. One can fixate on tactical facts and miss the larger picture, or one can step back a bit and consider the nature, rather than the character of a conflict from a different...
  10. Replies

    As I published here back in Aug 2015, to militarily defeat ISIS is to restore AQ:
  11. David, My point that I am trying to convey, is...

    David, My point that I am trying to convey, is that the fundamental strategic framework for these types of conflicts is rooted in human nature, and therefore largely the same. It made little...
  12. Now look to the British school of hard knocks and...

    Now look to the British school of hard knocks and the strategic lessons they learned (but seem to have also largely forgotten) in regards to the true drivers of, and resolution to resistance...
  13. I am talking about the strategic framework of...

    I am talking about the strategic framework of these types of conflicts. All are unique in countless fascinating ways that must be taken into account in shaping one's campaigns and tactical...
  14. You are tossing a bowl of historical fruit salad,...

    You are tossing a bowl of historical fruit salad, mixing your apples with your oranges. True facts, but imo strategically immaterial. We cling to the facts that feed our narrative, rather than...
  15. I think you are missing the proverbial forest for...

    I think you are missing the proverbial forest for the trees.

    As to Vietnam, the whole construct of "North" and "South" states was a fiction created by the US, so I sadly love the irony of the...
  16. Strategy begins with empathy: Netflix series "Colony"

    I set down with my fiance recently to watch a little TV. As I was surfing the Netflix menu the new series from the creators of "Lost" about an alien occupation of Los Angeles looked interesting. ...
  17. Replies

    War logic and warfare solutions work to resolve...

    War logic and warfare solutions work to resolve war. But this a revolutionary conflict that has evolved to a war stage (phase 3, decision in the Maoist model). A military "defeat" of phase 3, and...
  18. Replies

    What the Navy and Air Force call the rise of...

    What the Navy and Air Force call the rise of "Anti-Access, Area Denial" (A2AD) is more accurately the decline of the era of American impunity.

    Frankly, the sooner it ends the better, as it will...
  19. Replies

    The US has become too much a slave of our own...

    The US has become too much a slave of our own rhetoric to be very effective in the gray zone today. Our belief in American Exceptionalism, and how good intentions and working within the law to...
  20. A few thoughts on revolutionary insurgency and...

    A few thoughts on revolutionary insurgency and how to deal with it:

    1. This type of internal (even if external parties come to play, as they typically do) is not really war, but is better thought...
  21. "Strategy of retrenchment"! "Can't abandon your...

    "Strategy of retrenchment"!
    "Can't abandon your allies"!

    We love to use words like pointy sticks, to poke meaningless holes in the worthy positions of those we...
  22. Replies

    China's actions are consistent with those of...

    China's actions are consistent with those of rising powers throughout history, only colored by their own unique geography, history and culture.

    They are doing what we would do in their place, only...
  23. Replies

    While all of this is very unfortunate, it is...

    While all of this is very unfortunate, it is certainly not unpredictable.

    Governments and security forces established by a foreign power are going to be fundamentally lacking in popular legitimacy...
  24. Replies

    Yes, we must operate based upon true interests;...

    Yes, we must operate based upon true interests; not the after the fact interests we use so often to rationalize poor decisions today.

    Facilitating self determination, and garnering influence with...
  25. Replies

    Yes, the Sunni-Arab populations of Syria and Iraq...

    Yes, the Sunni-Arab populations of Syria and Iraq both believe the Shia dominated governments over them offer no future. They also realize that the US removal of the Saddam regime served to extend...
Results 1 to 25 of 199
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