
Type: Posts; User: Courtney Massengale; Keyword(s):

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  1. Oh great, another set of powerpoint slides....

    The fallout from this will undoubtedly be one of the single most amazing and emotionally significant events for green tabbers as we enter the drawdown. Here’s what’s on my mind….

    1) Was this guy...
  2. Replies

    I would disagree that there is any one...

    I would disagree that there is any one "monoculture".

    If you stick around long enough, you see everything come full circle. Religion was a third rail when I first came in; a couple years ago it...
  3. Replies

    Very well said. Most of the programs out there...

    Very well said.

    Most of the programs out there are desigend to help veterans "overcome" rather than "transition" and I worry that we put too much emphasis on tossing out the baby with the...
  4. Replies

    Way back when I was in ROTC, we had a lot of...

    Way back when I was in ROTC, we had a lot of people who joined the program at the third year level...

    ... and most of them were prior service or in the Guard/Reserve. Obviously they had made up...
  5. Replies

    Unethical, immoral, illegal and unsafe are just...

    Unethical, immoral, illegal and unsafe are just fine and dandy and are, in fact, encouraged to increase your cult of personality – just don’t get caught.

    If that’s what being a Sam Damon is all...
  6. Replies

    Like so many other things, it isn't the work...

    Like so many other things, it isn't the work itself, its what it has come to represent. For me, it represents the generation that just missed Vietnam, survived the draw down, got us into GWOT and...
  7. Replies

    I can only speak for myself and not the other guy...

    I can only speak for myself and not the other guy who has just "massengale"...

    The Officers I have known who view the Corps as populated by either Sam Damons or Courtney Massengales tend to have...
  8. Replies

    Wow, go home, come back the next day and there's...

    Wow, go home, come back the next day and there's three pages and somebody who has stolen my last name! AND he hates the midwest! :p

    The Marine Corps is a very different animal in how they...
  9. Replies

    Will religion become the new sexual harassment? ...

    Will religion become the new sexual harassment?

    Sure looks like things are heading that way.
  10. I'm not really sure that the MeK "matters" in the...

    I'm not really sure that the MeK "matters" in the long run. Its going to be rather catastrophic if you're in the MeK, but I'm not sure that anyone will really make an issue out of the MeK going away...
  11. Replies

    When they see our commercial they will go to our facebook page! Brilliant!

    The Army, proving once again, that it doesn't understand how to recruit, retain and develop junior Officers.

    I'm not really sure what specific demographic they had in mind as this method seems to...
  12. I'm not arguing that they're for SECULAR...

    I'm not arguing that they're for SECULAR democracy; but they are for democracy. You can't argue with over 80% participation at the polls. Their motivation for voting may be religiously based and...
  13. The GoI as a structure and framework is going to...

    The GoI as a structure and framework is going to be enduring. The Iraqi people LIKE the GoI - they're showing up to the polls at rates in the high 80% rate. Some areas in the latest Kurd elections...
  14. This I agree with. I think the structure of the...

    This I agree with. I think the structure of the GoI needs only minor tweaking at this point, until some major new development comes along (ie Kurd relations, some new Sunni movement, increased soft...
  15. Not trying to snipe or beat a dead horse, but...

    Not trying to snipe or beat a dead horse, but this line of thinking fails to separate a government from its politicians.

    If we try to shape our operations and agreements to accommodate select...
  16. This doesn’t only benefit the Iranians. These...

    This doesn’t only benefit the Iranians. These people believe in just about every failed theory of governance that has been attempted in the 20th century. They're not reasonable people and to presume...
  17. There is some interesting information out there...

    There is some interesting information out there about the MeK turning into a cult post-2003. This is probably going to play out more along the lines of Waco.

    What's amazing is the amount of...
  18. This only works if you make the assumption that...

    This only works if you make the assumption that the GoI is interchangeable with the will of the people of Iraq.

    The GoI, and in particular certain individuals within the GoI who are up for...
  19. Shines the name, shines the name...

    This is going to sound a little out there and very cynical, but bear with me…

    There has always been an element of politics involved in the MoH because, well, its awarded by politicians. The DoD...
  20. Replies

    Nobody ever told me that by joining the military,...

    Nobody ever told me that by joining the military, I gave up the rights to my image and likeness. :mad:
  21. This seems to be a rather simplistic view that...

    This seems to be a rather simplistic view that the only two stake holders are the US and Iraq and that any action by the GoI is a reflection of the relationship between the two.

    Who do you think...
  22. Appeasing a small vocal minority so that they...

    Appeasing a small vocal minority so that they will take an opportunity to have a disproportionate role in the aforementioned government doesn't undermine legitimacy? There are more powers that just...
  23. What is repulsive is that it shows the GoI has...

    What is repulsive is that it shows the GoI has every intention of keeping horrible precedent.

    Make a big show of prosecuting the ones at the top, let the middle (wo)men responsible for the...
  24. Replies

    A slightly different nugget...

    This issue was red hot a couple years ago at the height of the anti-war protests…

    I very much disdain the legal implications that Soldiers – like all government employees – are public figures and...
  25. Replies

    I think the answer to this is to restrict...

    I think the answer to this is to restrict language on evaluations to only potential to serve in the next grade.

    If we're talking about potential to be a Major, then there isn't much difference...
Results 1 to 25 of 74
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