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  1. I think the now P4 has the edge. The field...

    I think the now P4 has the edge. The field continues to thin as the weeks go by. The Golden Boy will be the next CJCS now that the CSA position is taken by D4. It's a done deal.
  2. He's on leave.. :D

    He's on leave.. :D
  3. You just have to love the Iraqi political...

    You just have to love the Iraqi political season.... However, I still think you can pull a BCT or two out of here early and still have the same advisory effect. As for us planners... we're...
  4. Replies

    I have to agree with you. During my last tour, I...

    I have to agree with you. During my last tour, I spend several weeks at Ashraf interviewing members of the MeK. They are, in the better sense of the word, a cult. This will never end well. Once...
  5. I believe that the GoI is as good now as it will...

    I believe that the GoI is as good now as it will be. The marginalization of U.S. Forces is pretty strong. We don't know what the Iraqis want at the CORPS and FORCE level of planning because they...
  6. Iraqi SA = Secruity Agreement.... or Separation Agreement

    I have floated this theory around the office here in Iraq a bit and I think I have come up with a pretty solid argument. Right now the Security Agreement has mandated that we are out of cities,...
  7. Replies

    Policy (AR) trumps doctrine....

    Policy (AR) trumps doctrine....
  8. Replies

    Unfortunately this is a great work of fiction. ...

    Unfortunately this is a great work of fiction.

    The concept of IE is good and will work at the Brigade level and below, but Information OPERATIONS officers need to have the flexibility to utilize...
  9. Replies

    Great to see COL (P) Davis on there. IO Warrior..

    Great to see COL (P) Davis on there. IO Warrior..
  10. Replies

    With a little luck, after his new assignment he...

    With a little luck, after his new assignment he will find his way over to the G3/5/7 as the deputy director for IO. We just need the power behind a star to push things where they need to go.
  11. Replies

    FA30 get's it first General Officer

    And it is about time. Congrats to COL (P) John Davis.
  12. Replies

    AR 525-20 Information Operations

    The DOD IO Roadmap signed by the Office of the Secretary of Defense directed that all the services make IO a core military competency. The Army has come a long way toward this goal but five years...
  13. Increase In Fy Leave Carryover From 60 To 75 Days

    INCREASE IN FY LEAVE CARRYOVER FROM 60 TO 75 DAYS. Based on a DFAS newsletter published in Mar 08 which advised that effective October 1, 2008, through December 31, 2010, leave carryover at the end...
  14. Replies

    I have a digital copy of FM 3-0. If you are DoD...

    I have a digital copy of FM 3-0. If you are DoD and have a DoD email addy, PM me and I will send it to you.
  15. Replies

    My .2 cents

    I don't thing blogging is a bad thing. I think that it is the commands responsibility to educate members of the military on what and what not to post.

    There was a lot of news around the recent...
  16. Replies

    I have Chpt 7, FM 3-0 Information Superiority

    I have it uploaded to AKO. Not sure how to have all you AKO/DKO users view it.
  17. My cultural advisor in Iraq is going through the...

    My cultural advisor in Iraq is going through the entire process of getting BACK his clearance. He used to work for Homeland, but when he disagreed with Bremmer during the CPA times, he burned a few...
  18. Army's Logistics Branch Is Inaugurated At Fort Lee

    I think this is long overdue. Should have happened 10 years ago.
  19. General Clears Army Officer Of Crime In Abu Ghraib Case

    I would love to see the transcripts from this case.
  20. Replies

    I may be able to upload the chapter to my ako...

    I may be able to upload the chapter to my ako account then send you the link to it. I will try tomorrow.
  21. Replies

    Final FM 3-0 approved - Rewrite of Chpt 7

    There was a rewrite of chpt 7. The following description was sent to me on v. 9.

    If you are interested and work in the Puzzle Palace, I can show you a copy.
  22. Replies

    One of the problems will be with Chpt 7 is that...

    One of the problems will be with Chpt 7 is that it will not synch with FM 3-13. It also doesn't allow us to be full spectrum IO Planners as previously taught. In fact, during the FA30 course, they...
  23. Replies

    Not looking forward to the roll out. They have...

    Not looking forward to the roll out. They have started to change the Information Operations construct from IO to IE... IE being Information Engagement. They want to take some of our toys away. We...
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