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  1. Replies

    Seven Pillars of Small War Power

    For those who may be interested, in the current issue of Military Review, I diffidently offer a few thoughts on human dynamics. Any comments - and (polite) criticism are always welcome. - Thanks -...
  2. There is some useful stuff in USIP's Iran Primer:...

    There is some useful stuff in USIP's Iran Primer:
  3. You may or may not find this of interest -...

    You may or may not find this of interest - slightly different perspective:

    McCormick, G.H. “Terrorist decision making.” Political Science 6, no. 1 (2003): 473....
  4. Replies

    Non-Scribd Link to the Intelligence Interviewing Report

    You can access the report HERE.

    Intelligence personnel who are trying to elicit information from a prisoner or a detainee can effectively do so in a non-coercive manner, according to the...
  5. Replies

    Intelligence Interviewing

    The Phase Two report from the Intelligence Science Board's Study on Intelligence Interviewing has been approved for release.

    It distills the current state of social/behavioral science thinking...
  6. I get that - but it seems to me that kind of...

    I get that - but it seems to me that kind of posture locks us into positional (rather than interest-based) security policy, which really doesn't seem to be that useful. Apart from it's deleterious...
  7. That is hilarious by the way and I wish I could...

    That is hilarious by the way and I wish I could have been there. - R
  8. I have actually had a theory for quite some time...

    I have actually had a theory for quite some time that Canada has slowly been moving its border southward - while America sleeps - at a rate of about an inch each year. ;)
  9. Oh yes. And "Happy Canada Day!"

    Oh yes. And "Happy Canada Day!"
  10. These comments are all very helpful and...

    These comments are all very helpful and appreciate your insights.

    Though I am still unclear about what WILF thinks of Liddell Hart's contributions since he was clearly hedging and holding back...
  11. That's a very interesting point and adds another...

    That's a very interesting point and adds another dimension to that series of questions. The "why" and "so what" questions I asked about interrogate the *purpose of pursuing the particular objective*....
  12. Iran - A deficit in strategy or policy?

    In April of this year, there was hoopla surrounding SECDEF Gates' statement in a memo that he did not think the US had an effective strategy to deter Iran's nuclear ambitions.

    Others have...
  13. Replies

    Very helpful. Thanks j37.

    Very helpful. Thanks j37.
  14. Replies

    IntelTrooper - I love that you have a quote from...

    IntelTrooper - I love that you have a quote from wilf in your signature line. Great stuff.

    What I gather from the comments so far is that (1) there is no systematic (at least open source) data...
  15. Replies

    Any good evidence that foreign presence is the main driver of Pashtun insurgency?

    I have heard this argument several times, mostly anecdotally. Matthew Hoh raised it in his letter of resignation.

    The assertion is that most of the Pashtun insurgents are not fighting for the...
  16. Replies

    wilf - This may be the most concise and clearest...

    wilf - This may be the most concise and clearest counter-POP-COIN statement I have heard yet. It circumvents the semantic quibbling about the aims (what we should be doing) and focuses on ...
  17. Greyhawk: Your post is directly on point, sir.

    Greyhawk: Your post is directly on point, sir.
  18. Replies

    Call for Paper -Journal of Strategic Security

    Call for Articles
    Deadline: December 10, 2009

    The Journal of Strategic Security (JSS) invites manuscript submissions for the winter issue, Vol. 2, No. 4.

    Scholars and practitioners from...
  19. "Sources" is a bit vaguely referenced, so I...

    "Sources" is a bit vaguely referenced, so I suppose we don't know with any degree of confidence whether (1) such a directive was ever given (2) such a directive was delivered by a "hatchet man" and...
  20. I guess I'm wondering if "needing more resources"...

    I guess I'm wondering if "needing more resources" is not always - or nearly always - the default response when executing a plan that doesn't seem to be working.

    I didn't mean to get glitched in...
  21. Very helpful examples. Thank you.

    Very helpful examples. Thank you.
  22. Thanks guys for your helpful insights and...

    Thanks guys for your helpful insights and examples. My thoughts aren't very well-formed on this, so please forgive me as a stumble along.

    Assuming that anyone who agrees (or simply complies) to...
  23. Can a theater commander ever say that his war is not "winnable"?

    I have been pondering the immense interest given to GEN McChrystal's recently issued (and closely held) assessment of the mission in AFG. I do not know the GEN personally, but he seems to be a...
  24. Replies

    What is Pakistan Thinking?- Pew Survey 2009

    All surveys have limitations, of course, but here are the latest numbers from Pew's Survey in Pakistan - bear in mind, they did not include some of the most troubled and least stable areas. I have a...
  25. Replies

    Two competing views on the war in Afghanistan

    The following comes from Patrick Porter in a post to the "Kings of War" blog - I thought SWCers might be interested to discuss it as well:

    In a very measured and tentative case for fighting on,...
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