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  1. Replies

    I got out before Marines redeployed to A'stan but...

    I got out before Marines redeployed to A'stan but in Iraq several SOF missions occurred in areas we were developing and as far as I understood it the de-conflicting of missions happened much farther...
  2. Replies

    I think it comes down to use

    I understand all sides of Vietnam being a no-win & there were many reasons for that; Political, Cultural, Tactical, & Strategic. I also understand that many of those issues migrate to A'stan. However...
  3. Replies

    Could the CAP concept work in Afghanistan?

    Moderator at work

    This thread was created after the issue started in 2012 on a separate thread reviewing the book 'The Village': (Mod...
  4. Replies

    Sacred Cows Must Die

    I have to preface this by stating that in the 90s the Corps shrunk fr/about 190,000+ to about 170,000. Emphasis was put on retaining 24 Infantry BNs & maintaining the 3 MEF/3 Division...
  5. Replies

    The COMMAR Doctrine

    Interesting article, if I were to restructure the Corps it would be a much smaller organization for many of the reasons stated in the article. I have no specific numbers but an idea from unit...
  6. I don't think you would see a Plt of Squads...

    I don't think you would see a Plt of Squads Operating in correlation w/anywhere near that level of dispersion.

    What you could see is Independent squad/s in a narrowly defined task like say...
  7. ECO Coy Structure

    Present US Marine Rifle Coy Structure:

    Company Landing Team (CoLT) Structure:...
  8. Replies

    He can't be, if he was then how could this Ol'Salt saying be true?

    "We stole the Eagle from the Air Force, the Anchor from the Navy, and the Rope from the Army.

    Then on the 7th day, while God rested, we over-ran his perimeter and stole the Globe, and we've been...
  9. Agree w/what.. that if you slug it out btwn an SP...

    Agree w/what.. that if you slug it out btwn an SP & a Towed How. the SP wins; of course. But what we were talking about was its place in Combined Arms Team.

    Its like this convo is being held in a...
  10. To pick thru this line by line would be to long &...

    To pick thru this line by line would be to long & annoying b/c your not going to read it to try & comprehend another view. All your going to do is try & pick thru where you can argue back.

  11. It can't be slung. As described above, anything...

    It can't be slung. As described above, anything that can't be slung will hamper a Maneuver Force, 110mph vs 45mph.

    The CH-53K, coming in the next 5 or so yrs, will have the lift capability; but I...
  12. What your not taking into account is nobody...

    What your not taking into account is nobody fights in Artillery Duels anymore.

    The M777 is a system of systems that play their particular role to make up the Fire Support backbone of the MAGTF....
  13. The MLRS is a great system but wouldn't fit in...

    The MLRS is a great system but wouldn't fit in w/the MAGTF's speed or Maneuver Doctrine; the system would need to be Air Mobile.

    We do make use of the much lighter truck mounted version of MLRS...
  14. Sabre

    Its not really a matter of the enemy they're facing today.

    In the Korean War nor the Push thru Iraq did they have a weapon like the M-777. Its not just a new Light Weight replacement 155. It...
  15. Wilf & Ken are spot on w/the boat reference. I...

    Wilf & Ken are spot on w/the boat reference. I was in a unit called Small Craft Co. We were a Marine Infantry Rifle Company that specialized in Riverine Assault & various forms of Amphibious Raid.
  16. You definitely need something in between 81s &...

    You definitely need something in between 81s & 155s. Most Light Infantry opt for the 105mm Howitzer to cover the gap btwn them.

    The Brits Para & RM along w/the US Army's Light Units use versions...
  17. All the East Coast MEUs have already deployed...

    All the East Coast MEUs have already deployed w/them. 4 M-777 LW155s & 4 EFSS ITV/120mm combos.

    As far as making them Organic to the Inf BNs I doubt that'll ever happen.

    I can't speak...
  18. Presently due to size, currently 3 Plt as opposed...

    Presently due to size, currently 3 Plt as opposed to the standard 6, & lack of current ability to independently support them at the MEF they are currently still administratively under the Div but...
  19. From the Scout/Sniper's in my old unit the major...

    From the Scout/Sniper's in my old unit the major differences are;

    1) its a 10wk course as opposed to the Army's 5wk course.

  20. Replies

    Its not done presently but its something the...

    Its not done presently but its something the Marine Corps been putting a large amount of their effort in since 2004 with "Distributed Operations". Fielding an effective DO Platoon in Afghanistan '06...
  21. Take the piece above on Distributed Arty, that...

    Take the piece above on Distributed Arty, that piece alone took about 3yrs to get right.

    Standardizing Coy-Level Intel & Ops Cells-CLIC & CLOC. Distributed Comms DTCS- PDAs that allow...
  22. MAGTFs demonstrated the ability on many occasions...

    MAGTFs demonstrated the ability on many occasions as shown, but it wasn't standardized.

    This studied how to Leverage the Power of the MAGTF to support Ops fr/the BN down to the Squad for use in...
  23. Sure if that makes you feel better. BN-sized...

    Sure if that makes you feel better.

    BN-sized MAGTFs are the dominant deployment construct. While in Theater that BN MAGTF will now have the ability to disperse into multiple Coy-sized MAGTFs to...
  24. Its nice to cherry pick but thats not what he...

    Its nice to cherry pick but thats not what he said. What he said was:

    In other words, "’ll need the ability to mass at times". But you'll also need the ability to disperse.

    Do you...
  25. 1st to establish a baseline, just how reinforced...

    1st to establish a baseline, just how reinforced Coy & even Plt-sized elements are being used w/70-100miles dispersion in A'stan now, Coy-sized MAGTFs would only be used when its the format that's...
Results 1 to 25 of 81
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