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  1. Replies

    The old "black market uniform" misdirect

    I have been meaning to mention this for awhile. This morning's NYT reminded me.

    Remember how many of the suicide attacks against American and Iraqi forces in Iraq were attributed to terrorists...
  2. O'er the Pond, Open the Taps

    Thanks Stan. Ya beat me to the punch on the invite. Was going to suggest the same thing to you when I saw that your profile had you shacked up in Estonia. Last time I was in Sweden a month ago I...
  3. Swap

    Interesting thread - and thanks for all mention (SMC), both favorable and less so. An interesting offshoot to this thread might be crappy self-proclaimed IBs.

    We'd love to pull a dissonance...
  4. Replies

    Dippy's Modus Blogerandi

    Much better safe than somehow and sometime sorry. That seems to be the modus blogerandi at hand for Dippy.

    Safe will be sorry.
Results 1 to 4 of 5