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  1. The article posted sounds very much like Maj Don...

    The article posted sounds very much like Maj Don Vandergriff's book,
    Raising the Bar. It is well worth taking a look at.
  2. Replies

    Book Review: Hearts and Minds in Guerrilla Warfare: The Malayan Emergency 1948-1960

    ISBN: 0195889428 by Richard Stubbs (from my review)

    Books that cover the military history of irregular warfare campaigns are plentiful. Most will provide great insight or not so great...
  3. Book Review: Scanderbeg, From Ottoman Captive to Albanian Hero

    ISBN: 1850439419 by Harry Hodgkinson (based on my review)

    Being an Albanian national hero, Scanderbeg (alternatively spelled, Skanderbeg) is something of a political hot-potato in the...
  4. An update -

    The publisher noted my comment about page order which seems to be a binding problem that does not appear to be an issue with other copies. They very graciously offered to replace my copy.
  5. Replies

    Review: Brave New War

    My review of Brave New War by John Robb (ISBN: 0471780790):

    A Global Threat and a Crisis of the Nation-State, July 14, 2007

    Mr. John Robb provides a sweeping overview of the rising...
  6. Replies

    Hart - Strategy

    BH Liddel Hart's classic, _Strategy_, is a great introduction by way of a brief study of Belisarious in the introductory chapter.

    I would second the Norwich and Strategikon recommendations. I...
  7. I don't know that I agree that the world did...

    I don't know that I agree that the world did nothing and the movement withered on its own. I think the world governments did something and they just did not recognize what they were doing.
  8. Anarchist / Anarchism & Terrorism : analogy

    Someone else mentioned the comparison of the 19th century American Indian wars as a parallel to the "war on terror." But that thread seems to have wained a bit. So, here's another comparison.
  9. Replies

    Not trying to pick a fight, just honestly curious...

    Not trying to pick a fight, just honestly curious what you folks think....

    Would the independence of India under Gandhi's non-violence principles be considered a revolution? If not, then what...
  10. Replies

    I am somewhat amazed, knowing a little about this...

    I am somewhat amazed, knowing a little about this country's history, that the idea of a "war czar" does not make more people scream about civilian control. I am just cynical enough to believe that...
  11. Replies

    I read Dr. Echevarria's paper sometime ago and I...

    I read Dr. Echevarria's paper sometime ago and I can't recall particular points with which I disagreed at the time. I do remember it was a decent paper for the most part and I did not have too much...
  12. Poll: Fabius, I have enjoyed your articles at DNI (I...

    Fabius, I have enjoyed your articles at DNI (I admit it, I'm a DNI junkie) for quite some time and this one is another winner. Thanks for posting it here.

    As Stu points out, Iraq has always...
  13. Replies

    violating civilian control?

    There seems to me a fine line between civilian control and not wanting to hear opinions that do not match your predetermined plan. The Marine Corps Command and Control book has a fair amount to say...
  14. Replies

    Book Review: An Account...Col. James Smith

    My Amazon review of:
    An Account Of The Remarkable Occurrences In The Life And Travels Of Col. James Smith During His Captivity With The Indians In The Years 1755-1759

    by Col. James Smith.

  15. Replies

    Such results are not uncommon in time of war. ...

    Such results are not uncommon in time of war. Similar results were often obtained to the very end of the Vietnam war. Few will go out on a limb and say they'd like to just give up....even if they...
  16. It's kindof a catch-22 - civilians do not want to...

    It's kindof a catch-22 - civilians do not want to be involved unless security is improved (understandably) but the military says security cannot be improved unless civilians are involved. Is there...
  17. Replies

    Steve - you would probably like that book I...

    Steve - you would probably like that book I recently reviewed: _Chasing Ghosts_ by Tierney...or, perhaps you have already read it. Anyhow, one of the "heroes" who seemed to get some things right in...
  18. Replies

    The electrical generators story seems indicative...

    The electrical generators story seems indicative of the Washington approach - we have money and resources to support more troops but not enough to provide needed services to improve Iraqi lives. A...
  19. Book Review: Chasing Ghosts, Unconventional Warfare in American History

    Book Review: Chasing Ghosts, Unconventional Warfare in American History by John J. Tierney Jr.

    Mr. Tierney provides an invaluable service reminding Americans of their long history of guerrilla...
  20. I doesn't sound exactly what you're looking for...

    I doesn't sound exactly what you're looking for but it sounds a lot like "Queen Victoria's Little Wars" by Farwell...
  21. Replies

    Well, except for the ones who are making a living...

    Well, except for the ones who are making a living in other ways now: :D
  22. Replies

    I always find these "shocking revelation" stories...

    I always find these "shocking revelation" stories a little odd. There have been many stories of American "elite" soldiers infiltrating and stirring rebellion in countries too. It hardly seems...
  23. Replies

    I have been, in the past, a huge fan of Bill's. ...

    I have been, in the past, a huge fan of Bill's. His work on maneuver warfare and 4GW is generally quite good. But, at times he does seem to have a bad habit of making blanket judgements or...
  24. Replies

    Mantracking is one of the skills "Gunny" Poole...

    Mantracking is one of the skills "Gunny" Poole often talks about in his books. The most recent book talks a great deal about tracking in an urban environment with Iraq in mind. It is a subject...
  25. Oops - typo

    Somebody pointed out to me that the Army desination for Lt. Colonel is LTC not LtC. Sorry about that.
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