
Type: Posts; User: Peter Dow; Keyword(s):

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  1. What Pakistan Knew About Bin Laden
    Pakistani ISI chief "knew of Bin Laden's presence in Abbottabad"
    Lieutenant General Ahmed Shuja Pasha, was the Director-General of the...
  2. Obama's 3 options for Afghanistan fight to win, retreat, surrender

    Obama's 3 options for Afghanistan

    Fight to win,

    1. Fight to win
  3. Pentagon's proposal for a 10,000 minimum force

    Regarding the Pentagon's proposal for a MINIMUM of 10,000 troops in Afghanistan.

    One does require more troops to keep an airbridge (that is to say a military base supplied only by air, with...
  4. NATO tribute video to Pakistan Air Force: Don't Stop Me Now!

    BBC: Pakistan jets bomb Taliban positions in North Waziristan (YouTube)

    NATO tribute to Pakistan Air Force: "Don't Stop Me Now!" (YouTube)

    Way to go Pakistan! :D
  5. Firstly, thank you for joining this thread. ...

    Firstly, thank you for joining this thread.

    The warlords, yes; they are a problem. Perhaps though those warlords should not be described as entirely "internal" in that they have external sponsors,...
  6. Return of the Taliban now patrolling with the ANA. Mission failing.

    With our enemy the Taliban now patrolling with the Afghan National Army which the NATO countries have funded with billions of pounds (mostly US dollars actually), anyone who is not in denial can...
  7. A couple of new videos in my AfPak Mission...

    A couple of new videos in my AfPak Mission channel.

    Susan Rice loves US Forces in Afghanistan!

    Global War On Terror - Final Duel (Video allegory)

    Soon ... :cool:
  8. Condi: No good & bad Taliban, sceptical of peace talks

    Thank you Condi once again for trying to save those who will listen from the hell on earth, the sacrifice of our cherished values, the dishonour to all that we hold dear, that would be surrendered in...
  9. Condi Rice to India. Pakistan a "state sponsor of terror"

    Condi Rice to India: Pakistan a "state sponsor of terror"

    For the full story visit the Hindustan Times website via this link

    Video recalling the visit of...
  10. Imperialists? That would be Pakistan.

    No but you do make an entirely inappropriate distinction between "the imperialist powers or Pakistan".

    Whereas in fact it is imperial Pakistan that wants Afghanistan back as its vassal Taliban...
  11. From sea to shining sea and leave empires like...

    From sea to shining sea and leave empires like the British, Japanese, German, Russian to fight for global domination, huh?

    That's a very different worldview from FDR too.

    It's not a good plan...
  12. It's war, with Pakistan!

    Thanks for your questions Mike.

    I mean our governments ought to face up to the evidence that the Pakistani state has secretly been waging war against us by secretly employing Al Qaeda terrorists...
  13. Well unlike in Pakistan where the...

    Well unlike

    in Pakistan where the Pakistani military intelligence agency, the ISI, doesn't answer to the civilian government but is a part of the independent Pakistani military, which...
  14. Obama's counsel of despair. US forces drawdown or ROUT?

    Where is Obama's drawdown leading to for Afghanistan?

    Could a feeling of strategic despair pervading the White House mean President Obama's drawdown plan could turn into an unseemly rout of US and...
  15. Road-side bombs again. We need a secure perimeter for the supply roads

    Road-side bombs again guys and it's an attack that works for the Taliban just because we haven't secured the few main highways we must use by building a secure perimeter around the road - barbed...
  16. Nasprofor!

    First of all, let me thank you for asking for clarification because there is even more to this than first meets the eye.

    The ANA is institutionally corrupt because of the lack of accountability...
  17. Well that's 2 replies I have now had here and...

    Well that's 2 replies I have now had here and whilst I would welcome a serious criticism of my proposed strategy or further questions and a debate, the throw-away comments I have received so far do...
  18. Supply Line Warfare

    The requirement to defend military supply lines in war, to expect the enemy to attack and to attempt to cut any long supply lines is a basic part of classical military strategy.

    If there was ever...
  19. Malala Yousafzai - getting better every day -...

    Malala Yousafzai - getting better every day - YouTube

    The first part of the video is a Sky News report detailing the scheduled reconstructive surgery planned to be carried out on Malala Yousafzai...
  20. Replies

    Malala Yousufzai - Free Pakistan - Kill the Taliban

    Please watch my video

    Malala Yousufzai - Free Pakistan - Kill the Taliban

    Video in 2 parts -

    1) CBS News story reporting Malala...
  21. Seriously ..

    Well I am serious about advancing the ship embassy proposal but if you don't wish to get the credit for your idea, I won't name you as the author of the proposal.

    One joke I did think of would be...
  22. My apologies to jcustis and to forum readers

    I must apologise to jcustis and to forum readers because it seems that I have been misunderstood.

    I could have and would be happy to rephrase my point as a question asking - "Would you think it...
  23. Yes in the case of countries like Libya with a...

    Yes in the case of countries like Libya with a nearby coast line it could be a good solution which could be up and running very quickly.

    For Libya it would be possible to have two ships - a larger...
  24. Go USA!


    No, I don't advocate any such thing in our countries, nor any such thing in China or Russia.

    As I explained in my original post, these fortress embassies bases are only intended for a...
  25. I am cool with "no" to the plan.

    Diplomacy can be done over the internet and telephone, or in the USA or Europe, Libyans visiting us, until such time as they are ready to say "yes" to the fortress embassies base plan.

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