
Type: Posts; User: Entropy; Keyword(s):

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  1. Mullah Omar isn't the Queen Bee whose destruction...

    Mullah Omar isn't the Queen Bee whose destruction will kill the hive. If you can add more fish to the frying pan...

    But again, there are a lot of assumptions so I can't say anything definitively,...
  2. Situation dependent obviously, but I would err on...

    Situation dependent obviously, but I would err on the side of developing more intel.
  3. That's true, but it's not just about air defense....

    That's true, but it's not just about air defense. The C2 link is the critical node in any remote controlled system.
  4. Replies

    I think it's certainly a Mumbai-style attack. ...

    I think it's certainly a Mumbai-style attack. Monitoring the various twitter feeds, it's apparent that the attackers are being fed live intel and are coordinating efforts with and AS headquarters.
  5. Replies

    Noticed this thread on my RSS feed for the SMJ...

    Noticed this thread on my RSS feed for the SMJ blog and decided to take a look. I see that I haven't posted since January 1st.

    My lack of participation boils down to two things:

    1. Burn out,...
  6. Replies

    None of that exists in a vacuum though. It is,...

    None of that exists in a vacuum though. It is, after all, government policy to maintain very low interest rates to boost borrowing and there are many policies specifically designed to boost the...
  7. Replies

    John McCreary of AFCEA wrote a bit of analysis...

    John McCreary of AFCEA wrote a bit of analysis looking at how the first Global Trends assessment turned out: Global Trends 2010:

    More at the link.
  8. Replies

    The dip in the early 80's was due to a recession....

    The dip in the early 80's was due to a recession. The dip in the early 90's was due to a recession, the dip in the early 2000' get the picture.

    I don't know how familiar you are with the...
  9. Replies

    You should go back and look at the debates at the...

    You should go back and look at the debates at the time. In the case of Iraq, the argument was that a tax was unnecessary because the war would be short, of modest cost, and that most of that cost...
  10. Replies

    The obvious and biggest difference is intent. ...

    The obvious and biggest difference is intent. With torture you are knowingly engaging in, at best, a morally questionable activity. Your intention is to deliberately cause pain.

  11. Replies

    Bob, I think you need to revisit what AQ...


    I think you need to revisit what AQ did in those countries. Yes, they wanted to kill the foreign infidel and drive them out of "Muslim lands." But more than that they wanted to purge...
  12. Replies

    Have you read the book? In the book, the Cat...

    Have you read the book? In the book, the Cat shows up uninvited and helps himself to a bath. His bath leaves behind a bathtub ring which the Cat tries to clean. He cleans the tub, but in doing so,...
  13. Replies

    IMO the civil war was never postponed. It's...

    IMO the civil war was never postponed. It's still going today and it will continue when we leave.
  14. That's a good question. Personally, I think...

    That's a good question. Personally, I think Congress will probably repeat what we did after the withdrawal in Vietnam and cut off support to whatever remains of Karzai's government. I think our...
  15. The lack of interest at all levels with respect...

    The lack of interest at all levels with respect to Afghanistan in the early-mid 1990's came back to bite us in the ass. We had almost no one in the government who could speak Pashto or Dari. We had...
  16. When I think of "abandoning" Afghanistan, I think...

    When I think of "abandoning" Afghanistan, I think of what we did in the early 1990's which was to essentially dump all resources and interest in Afghanistan down the drain. We (the USA) didn't have...
  17. Yes, I agree the smart people knew we would...

    Yes, I agree the smart people knew we would soundly defeat the Iraqis (I was in college at the time and ignorant on military topics, so I certainly wasn't one of the smart ones). My point is one of...
  18. Yes, the American force in Desert Storm...

    Yes, the American force in Desert Storm outclassed the Iraqi's. Still, I think the American forces did a lot better than most expected. The fact that more American troops were killed in accidents...
  19. Most Syrians think of themselves as Syrian, yet...

    Most Syrians think of themselves as Syrian, yet they are in civil war. Same with Lebanon. Same with Iraq. How does one square the idea of an Iraq national identity when the Kurds have a...
  20. Not really surprising. We in the West keep...

    Not really surprising. We in the West keep thinking these people are "Afghans" in the same way that we consider ourselves to be "Americans" or whatever nationality. We assume their national loyalty...
  21. It seems pretty clear to me that this is the...

    It seems pretty clear to me that this is the beginning of the end in Afghanistan. Once the election is over, expect the timetable to be moved up to next year.
  22. I'd have to look up the details, but I think it...

    I'd have to look up the details, but I think it was 2011 when the mentoring mission increased substantially. So, there were a lot more ISAF troops embedded with and training a lot more Afghans.
  23. Winning? Our strategy was never about winning, it...

    Winning? Our strategy was never about winning, it was about getting out of dodge with some semblance of honor.
  24. Replies

    Poll: Yes, the whole idea of "fixing" North Korea is...

    Yes, the whole idea of "fixing" North Korea is very vague. I would like to understand what this actually means in terms of an end state. Only then can we really examine whether China possesses the...
  25. Replies

    Poll: Of course, but one should also realize that much...

    Of course, but one should also realize that much of the time U-turns don't happen. The fact that U-turns occurred, can occur and will occur in the future does not mean that China will, in this...
Results 1 to 25 of 200
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