
Type: Posts; User: Tukhachevskii; Keyword(s):

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  1. Replies

    Fair enough pal. I've long since given up on the...

    Fair enough pal. I've long since given up on the SWC. The toxicity levels are too high for my liking. Its obvious this thread is your little fiefdom and I wish you all the best with your...
  2. Replies

    Holy Moly Batman! Did I step into the Pentagon...

    Holy Moly Batman! Did I step into the Pentagon War room by accident? I do not recall, at any point, saying that I have the answers (unlike you apparently). What I did was proffer an opinion. If I...
  3. Replies

    Belay that KG

    Or at least until you have heard the podcast by the same author. Personally I would think twice (even three times) before accepting the conclusions of anyone who thinks S.L.A. Marshall was...
  4. Replies

    It's a clusterf**k to be sure ...

    I believe the point of the article is that Assad should be supported in regaining control of Syrian territory. As for the various forces fighting with the SAA they are only doing that because the...
  5. Replies

    Here, Here...

    ... the political realist in me heartily agrees; I couldn't have said it better.

    Embracing Assad Is a Better Strategy for the U.S. Than Supporting the Least Bad Jihadis
  6. Replies

    People need to ask as to why hasn’t ISIS blown up any Ottoman tombs ...

    Good question... (regardless of who asked it; I've been wondering that myself)

    "People need to ask as to why hasn’t ISIS blown up any Ottoman tombs anywhere in Syria and Iraq while they destroyed...
  7. Replies

    Oh yeah, let's help the Turks because...

    CHP lawmakers accuse Turkish government of 'protecting ISIL and al-Nusra militants'

    AKP Opens a Hospital Only for Jihadists

    Lets not forget that Turkey helped manage the "Jihadi highway" that...
  8. Replies

    Anyone remember the Blank Check...

    The last time anyone issued a blank check the Austrian Empire decided to pick a fight with Serbia...and we all know what happened next. Has Jens Stoltenberg just given the Turks the green light to...
  9. Ah yes, to the uninitiated this looks all peace...

    Ah yes, to the uninitiated this looks all peace and flowers and happy, happy, joy, joy. To those familiar with Islamic theology and law the key passages/sections (and the most telling) are nos. 3...
  10. Replies

    Oh yes, the wonderful Yasmin Alibhai-"Brown" who...

    Oh yes, the wonderful Yasmin Alibhai-"Brown" who once said there weren't enough "brown faces" (whatever that means) in her doctors surgery and was lauded by the liberal maggot heads as a luminary. If...
  11. Replies


    ..... its good to see the world whilst wearing the other chap's moccasins.
  12. Replies

    Of course there might be othdr reasons. After...

    Of course there might be othdr reasons. After the fiasco of Afghanistan where thd CIAIA left things largely under the ISIs remit during the Soviet occupation if you were going to keep tabs and...
  13. Replies

    If I can borrow a phrase fom Mirbeau....

    Pakistan is not a state with an army but an army with a state. Any analysis of Pakistan should begin there IMO. Pakistan ends wherever the army's ability to exert influence ends regardless of the...
  14. I dont suppose youve ever heard of Victor Meldrue...

    I dont suppose youve ever heard of Victor Meldrue have you?:rolleyes:
  15. If I were you I would switch to decaff ... or...

    If I were you I would switch to decaff ... or camomile tea.
  16. Quite possibly an Indiana Jones sequel in here somewhere...

    Tomb of Doom: how a tiny enclave could draw turkey into Syria's war
  17. I wonder if "conventional" and "unconventional"...

    I wonder if "conventional" and "unconventional" actually mean anything these days and what that means for "traditional" organisations. The commando approach seems to me to typify the kind of small...
  18. Replies

    i have no idea where to begin even replying... this nonsense. Political preferences are non ideiological? Ever hear of the spanish civil war? So politics is purely proceducral? I take it these people travel abroad to risk their lives for...
  19. Contains much that might be of some interest...

    Contains much that might be of some interest (apoogies if already referenced)

  20. Replies

    Cant believe nobody has quoted Clausewitz'...

    Cant believe nobody has quoted Clausewitz' observation on the importance of theory for critical thinking and as part of historical research into trends in warfare etc (don't have the quote handy...
  21. Worth a read...

    PhD thesis from the University of Arizona by Ian Shaw, "The Spatial Politics of Drone Warfare".
  22. Replies

    For Christmas I received the following books (I...

    For Christmas I received the following books (I recommend reading No. 1 before No. 2, No. 3 is optional, depends what you're into you kinky buggers)

    1. Not Mentioned In Despatches (I had to ignore...
  23. Perhaps, minus the DIME. There is a great deal of...

    Perhaps, minus the DIME. There is a great deal of similarity between the soviet experience and ours in Afghanistan. That is because war has a grammar all it's own regardless of the character or...
  24. Violence is a form of communication. I would let...

    Violence is a form of communication. I would let rip and unleash the hellfire of war. Why? Simple. Does it degrade the capability of the Taliban? No. But it sends a message to anyone who wants to...
  25. Addendum

    It seems a little (a lot?!) redundant now but as I have just found my copy of Hegel (Philosophy of Right) (when I had given up looking; always the way!) and as I had intended to include him...
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