Quote Originally Posted by Ken White View Post
However, the 11B/19D3-whatevers should have been at least aware of their existence and every 11B4-whatever and every combat arms LT and CPT should have read them. For their Bn Staff Officers and Senior NCOs to not have read them is, IMO, inexcusable.*
The 11B/19D3-whatevers in the 2000's were the E4s and E5s of the '90s. Outside of Robin Sage graduates, how many Arty, MP or INF soldiers had "Master of FM90-8" as a bullet comment on a DA 4856 or NCOER? If they did not receive recognition for mastering a manual outside (way outside) their MOS then why would the new senior leaders reward new, lower enlisted?

The tactics have been refined but the reward system has not.

In case some missed this.


"You talk about restraint. What do you mean by that?" Pelley asked.

"As I told the Marines before we deployed, it's about a three second decision, especially with his personal weapon. The first second is 'Can I?' The next two are 'Should I?' 'What is going to be the effect of my action? Is it going to move the Afghan closer to the government or further away?'" he explained.

Rewarding Soldiers/Marines for making a 3 second strategic decision? (and it is strategic http://www.au.af.mil/au/awc/awcgate/...c_corporal.htm

I vote 'Yes'

And what is the cost?

"It's frustrating," Quiceno said. "I don't know if anybody really understands the amount of stress that the guys are already starting to feel because of that. You know? Simply just having their hands tied behind your back, if you will."