Quote Originally Posted by William F. Owen View Post
Well in which case I owe you an equal apology if I came across like that. Not my intent.
- more over, if I come across as someone saying "listen to me" then I am equally screwed, - as what I am trying to say is "read CvC, Thucydides, and few others. They've said it all before".
I don't do original ideas. I just want to understand the ones that exist!
Good thing that "CvC, Thucydides, and a few others" didn't share that inclination!

All "Ideas" are by definition "new" at least to the person having them. Few things are truly new of course.

I've never been comfortable with the concept of simply hitting something with a hammer because that is "how its done" and if it doesn't work, just get a bigger hammer. Sometimes I think you need to reach for a different tool; or perhaps the thing you're whacking away at isn't even the problem at all upon a more careful analysis.