I'm used to see armies as bureaucracies, but this article still irritates me.

"Five Challenges for Future Infantry
Thinking about Adaptation and Change"
by Colonel Chris Field

His five great challenges for future (Australian) infantry are

1. Incorporating continuous learning
2. Operating across the fives lines of operation in accordance with Adaptive
Campaigning – Future Land Operating Concept
3. Balancing the fighting force
4. Employing LAND 400 – Combined Arms Fighting System
5. Employing JOINT PROJECT 2048 – Enhanced Amphibious Capability.
This is about bureaucratic projects to be implemented, not about the real challenges of future infantry in my opinion. My list would look like this

(1) Counter the ever-increasing lethality of modern arms without adding too equipment weight.
(2) Combine great competence with a readiness for rapid force expansion in 'darker' times.
(3) Defeat opposing light infantry's survivability techniques.
(4) Reverse the trend, bring back tasks and competences from SOF to infantry.
(5) Keep the equipment inventory highly suitable to the missions at moderate costs.