You understand, right, that "happiness" was 18th-century code word for "property," most fully in the form as in slaves? John Locke, when he was writing the "constitution" for the creation of South Carolina (from the start a colony designed to be a slave-based plantation complex) defined Life, Liberty, and Property as the keys to republican virtue -- without property, a man could not be "competent," that is "disinterested" and willing to serve the greater good than himself. It is really too bad that we have taken such complex and nuanced ideas and "dumbed them down" into parodies of their original meanings. It is ironic that those (those clowns Limbaugh and Beck and Palin, for example) who call for us to follow the Founders' "original intent" don't understand the original meaning of the philosophy they want us to emulate. Capitalism, for example, was a radical idea that did not shape the Founders' understanding of what they called "political economy." The Founders lived and worked under the ideas of mercantilism and the Physiocrats. To suggest that they would embrace laissez-faire economics is ahistoric.