I totally agree with Ken that a corporal should be able to operate a section/squad during a multiple day patrol. The Yanks did it, and the Anzacs did it. It was not uncommon to kick out sections or half platoons over a wide area. And battalion should know where they are, so if they are likely to lose radio contact you put out relay stations/posts/patrols. So the DO ‘new warfare concept’ isn’t that new. Where it may differ somewhat is in the fact that we have better technology to further capitalise on the concept.

I also don’t think that rank inflation has helped. Having a high percentage of sergeants and above in a platoon is no different from having corporals, provided they have the same training. In the long run, rank inflation in itself will just shift the problem up the horizontal ladder.

Now with regards to earlier points raised, training and trust, I don’t think these issues are limited to the military. I think they are systemic in today’s western social fabric. Ken often mentions mediocrity, so does Barry Schwartz in this 20 minute TED talk.