Quote Originally Posted by jmm99 View Post
I knowingly give funds to AQ, but with my specific intent they be used to feed AQ widows and orphans. Instead, the funds are used to buy IED materials to blow you up - or they use it for widows and orphans.

I knowingly provide info of your location to AQ, but with my specific intent it be used for them to attempt to convert you. Instead, they use the info to blow you up - or they use it to simply talk to you.
Yes, but this doesn't cover the cases that NGOs are concerned about.

Rather, imagine that I give training in human rights and democratic politics to members of a designated terrorist group for the sole and exclusive purpose of facilitating its transition away from terrorism and entering legal politics.

Is this illegal? My reading of the court's understanding of "material assistance" is that, yes it is.

Similarly, if I provide remedial eduction to forcibly-recruited 13 year olds as part of an designated group's demobilization and release of child soldiers (and yes, there are NGOs that quietly do this), am I committing a crime?

Again, my reading of the court decision is that yes, I am--even if there is no suggestion that anything I did facilitated terrorism in any way.