hi i am thinking about joining the military. as new yorker i think i am pretty street smart and have lived abroad so i can bring that with me. plus i speak 5 languages fluently and am in the process of learning two more (v.v.slowly). and if i were to spend time is DLI i think i could learn faster, better etc....i think that i could fill in some of the linguistic void that is supposedly a problem in the defense community. my main reservation is that i am scared of IEds and RPGs and have no idea how to navigate minefields etc.. and from what i hear they dont teach you that stuff in BCT. also i am thirty years old maybe too old to be running around in a battlefield. finally the war seems to be at its ending so maybe they dont need south asian languages anymore? what would i do in the military with as a linguist once the war is over? ok thanks in advance...