but here is a thread, Efing Wikileaks, dealing with a 2008 Wikileak; and my post, Belated response to Cavguy post # 8, with links to several resources.

BLUF: The issues become murkier as we go down the chain of transmission, which could involve a number of people before it reaches the Web or media outlets. The possibility of using a conspiracy charge against others in the chain becomes less likely the further removed from the original source.

The current reality is illustrated in this thread, The AIPAC Case - Redux, where the extensive pleadings - leading to a dismissal of charges - are at FAS, USA v. Steven Rosen and Keith Weissman ("The AIPAC Case"): Selected Case Files.

The AIPAC case was heavily politicized; but, that element aside, it does exemplify the difficulties in prosecuting downstream classified leakage under current law.

Of course, Van is correct: "Leaked classified material is still classified." - and, if you're an employee of the government or of a company with government contracts, you could get into a republication bind by DLing and then passing on the data.

At this point, specific legal advice (from JMM) ends. Everyone else feel free to pontificate to your hearts' content.

