The Marines and the Army share similiar challenges when it comes to budgeting priorities, but I don't see cutting certain programs to feed other essential programs as a positive step. Getting our forces ready for irregular warfare shouldn't cost that much relative to rebuilding our forces and equipment after four plus years of war. Irregular warfare will remain a challenge for several decades, and we must address it, but if the Army and Marines don't have the equipment and weapons to march to Baghdad or objectives in North Korea or elsewhere, then what have we lost? How long will take to regain that loss? We do have national security interests that require a robust and capability conventional warfighting capability still. The Army is currently underbudgeted to simply refit, much less develop new capabilities. I think the real answer is we need more dollars for DoD, and obviously some of the bigger Air Force, Navy and missile defense systems could be cut (but Congress will never allow it) without much risk.