Quote Originally Posted by Tukhachevskii View Post
...(and always thought it was Al-Jazeera and Al-Mattar that were the bad guys!)...
Don't know about Al-Mattar but I watch a bit of Al Jazeera-English via satellite every day. As I do CNN, BBC and SKY TV (which has a late night our time slot where they broadcast Katie Couric from CBS) and RT (Russia Today) and the new for us NDTV (from India). Then there is CNBC-Africa and Bloomberg (got to get my daily Charlie Rose fix) and the Chinese CCTV. Finally there is EuroN which is too bland to contemplate.

If you don't get Al Jazeera via satellite then find it on the net.

Interesting to watch how the different broadcasters handle breaking news.

You would probably find the four part (online) video Afghanistan: How the East was lost interesting.