Just wondering if any other recent ILE-CC graduates or current students would agree with me that there is an over-emphasis on written communication ability within the current ILE curriculum? Maybe it goes back to my "learning style", but personally I would rather spend more time in the classroom interacting with my peers, conducting practical exercises (Regional Strategic Concept, etc.), than leave at noon and spend the rest of the afternoon reading and writing essays. I propose that the Army requires a master's degree as a condition of promotion to LTC, in addition to ILE, as a way to reduce mundane writing assignments during ILE in favor of more peer interaction and practical exercise in the classroom. Any master's degree worthy of the paper the diploma is printed on will require more than its fair share of effective written communication evaluation. Time spent at ILE should capitalize on the opportunity to exchange ideas and learn from peer and instructor experience, not serve as an undergraduate English Composition refresher course. Make me study, make me participate, but please stop making me write for the sake of time consumption!