Break-Free CLP would defeat the purpose of inflicting the most pain for the pull. A Visegrips would be a modern add to the basic toolkit.
I've a problem with the logic here. OK as to "probable enemies" because a "probable" standard means 50 yds and a nose of evidence facing the shooter or interrogator. So, "probable" means more likely than not that the person is an enemy. Dependent on the ROEs, one between the headlights would be OK for the shooter.
But, "possible" is not "probable". "Possible" is less than 50 yds and a nose of evidence. So, "possible" means that it is not more likely than not that the person is an enemy - might be, might not be.
I'd also question what is meant by a "known" enemy. What's your test - does he carry a sign ?
Finally, there may be some areas (e.g., habeas proceedings according to JJ. Scalia and Stevens in Hamdi - my dissent to their dissent) on which a "citizen enemy" will have different and more rights than a "non-citizen enemy". Interrogation is not necessarily one of those areas.