in this area? I think we all agree that there is a problem with the accountability for contractors with regard to their behavior when they act outside the law (or are accused of so doing). Placing contractors who work for or in support of military ops under the UCMJ was IMO an important step. My concerns have to do with what's next. My recommendation - which you articulately questioned - was to designate a commander for all USG activities during a contingency which would bring contractors who work for State, like Blackwater, under the UCMJ roof. But, as you pointed out, there are still questions. Anyway, how might you solve the problem of accountability for "other people's" contractors?

Part of what I was suggesting you do (since I don't really want to do the legal research or read the lawyerly verbosity in many of your cites) was to digest for us the essence of what you found and then draw a few conclusions and recommendations as above.

