Last night, I was browsing some of the raw documents and appalled by what I found.

After opening one report, I came across an informant's name, elder's name, and the source's phone number. Several email addresses were also listed.

I know that the NY Times and The Guardian pledged to hide their sources (for some reason, I was under the impression that Wikileaks also deleted the names). However, even the private information is publicly available. If I can find it, I'm sure that anybody can find it.

What does this mean? With the Taliban's decision to now attack Afghan civilians who are cooperating with the Coalition, the situation is much more disturbing. With the leaked documents (which also provide location details) publicly available, the Taliban could easily make a hit list of hundreds of Coalition informants within 24 hours. If this is done (or something along these lines), then working with the locals in some cases will be much more difficult. It's to bad that sensitive, private information about Afghan civilians was leaked.