I pretty much agree with the last two posts. That is not to condone the actions of a certain little prick. It concerns our reactions to those actions.

My first reaction to this line by Bob:

No one knows how many lives will be saved because of the moral courage of a President to make a hard decision he reasonably believed to be within the law. No one knows how many lives will be lost because of the moral cowardice of a guy believing himself to be above the law in the release of this protected information.
was that it appears to be based on assumptions, since no one knows.

If we flip those assumptions the line could read as follows:

No one knows how many lives will be lost because of the moral courage of a President to make a hard decision he reasonably believed to be within the law. No one knows how many lives will be saved because of the moral cowardice of a guy believing himself to be above the law in the release of this protected information.

I’m not saying I make these flipped assumptions (I don’t). My point is that assumptions such as these lead to loaded and primed statements and questions that may lead us down a path we should perhaps not be going down.