The cruiser missile solution is not a good solution, despite the fact that I like the idea.
The CEDAO has warned Bagbo that they will use force to support Outtara and install legitimate power in Ivory Coast. That's the solution. A stinky one but still, the solution. On one point Bagbo is right, it's time for the western powers to withdraw from direct intervention in african politic. And for the African Nations to stand for democracy, legitimacy through vote and legality.

I know, it sounds weird, especially coming from some of them. But yes, it's time for a change and to stop the Africa is different so it is legitimate that african people have dictators, because we are different. Yes africa is different but that does not apply to how to access to power.

A missile coming from a US or what ever western nation on Bagbo presidential palace and guard will only make him a martyr. And ultimately reinforce the fact that crazy dictators are legitimately in power on that continent.

An act by the African Nations will put a stone on a long road for change.

And yes Stan, DRC but also Rwanda, Uganda, South Sudan... are to come. (And most probably others that I forget, shouldn't they have soon elections in Liberia, Sierra Leone...).