Link didn't work for me, so not sure what is said on this point, but government officials in Afghanistan profit far more from the Poppy/Hash trade in Afghanistan than the Taliban do. It absolutely funds the insurgency, but that is chump change in a multi-billion dollar business.

This pot is so big, so lucrative, that it is woven into the entire community of Afghanistan from top to bottom, from government to insurgent. And under Taliban rule, there was far less of a problem than there is today.

As an example, Karzai's man, Juma Gul as the head of ANP in Uruzgan was a great eradicator of poppy. Destroyed much of the competitive tribe's crop, but did not touch his own tribe's fields at all. Lauded by the Dutch and the US as well, he was enriching himself, his tribe, and his patronage sponsors under the protection of the coalition; while he drove thousands deeper into their support of the Taliban.

This is far more complex and comprehensive than any of us can imagine.