Greece fell in a unique time and place. Still establishing the lines for post WWII spheres of influence; and still in the realist "contain expansion of Sovietness" era of the Cold War. It was a few years later after the fall of Nationalist China that we began to morph to what I see as a much more Idealist "contain communism" era the dominated the Cold War proper; and shapes how we look at Islamism today. Still trying to contain ideologies, when the real energy fueling most of the conflicts were people seeking a liberty not controlled by some Colonial power or their appointed successor.

People are still seeking such liberty today. Tunisia is a current testament to that fact. Everyone is asking "where are the Islamists?" Meanwhile the people are talking in terms of "Liberty" "Democracy" "Justice" and "Self-Determination." Appears that the intel guys and ideologues are wrong again. No big surprise there.

So, back to my original point. We need to trade in the relentless pursuit of control for the relentless pursuit of influence. Once we make that paradigm shift, the rest will begin to fall in place. Oh, and that influence must be with populaces and non-state actors as well as with official governments. We're going to need a new playbook.