Quote Originally Posted by jcustis View Post
Yeah, the HN should be considered the BSO, but at the end of the day, not a whole lot of stock should be put into the term itself. We know what the objective understanding should be, even if the common understanding or threshold leaves a lot to be desired. Even when using doctrinal terms, there are nuances to them that differ between Marine and Army usage, despite joint definitions existing in black and white.
Not a lot of stock, an understatement?

So the host nation is the Battle Space Owner? So during the invasion of Iraq, Iraq was the Battle Space Owner? When did the Iraqi Government become the BSO, and where was that?

Whose ever doctrine this is, it's moronic. "Ownership??" The way we can get around stupid ideas is to stop using them.

I can guess I can add "Battle Space" to my list of "military terms used by 8-year-olds."