albeit somewhat painful due to the very fact that once DOD started to actively become more effective in the information environment there was always a guarantee that the "real" influence peddlers would be upset by its ability to hold its own in conversations with its leaders.

That does not however equate to the same thing as abuse of "influence" capabilities.

Quote Originally Posted by Steve the Planner View Post

I am fine with accurately reporting conditions, when asked, during a VIP visit.

It is hard to believe, however, that in the scope and role of DoD budgeting, it is the job of a field implementer to directly pursue, sell, manipulate the appropriators. The reported conduct is quite a bit beyond showing your efforts in the best light, or even "puffing" them.
While stating it that way basically sets the stage for anyone to reasonably agree with you , Is that really what we're talking about here, or is it more explicitly the current accusations which seem to have been crafted to give one exactly those impressions?

Quote Originally Posted by Steve the Planner View Post
The problem of lack of resources is a matter to be brought by a field implementer to his higher-ups.

Otherwise, everybody is a Matthew Hoh and/or every program/project manager would be out hunting his own private earmarks from a handful of senators. The system cannot function effectively like that.
Are the finances the Higher ups responsibility, hmmm yes I guess I can buy that- of course there is the fact that that Higher up has to be getting their heads up from somewhere

Quote Originally Posted by Steve the Planner View Post
Forget about the military thing for a minute.
Ill try, no guarantees though

Quote Originally Posted by Steve the Planner View Post
There is a very specific relationship between Legislators and Administration that is being under appreciated here.

What if the same conduct was undertaken by an FBI Intel Unit? Let's use our wiretap and research tools to see how many senators we can influence to support our program.

Isn't it supposed to be Hoover's role to manage and apply the "blackmail" files, and not every spook group in the joint?
I'll grant you all that but raise you an open source, common sense approach-
Take all the hearings over the last 10 years on CSPAN/PentagonChannel/Newspaper OPed's from all those administrators, bills passed, Think tanks Rep's produced, lessons learned rep's from past, etc

Who needs wire taps to do what any joe with a computer, tv, and a library card can come up with.

Long and short I agree with most of your concerns, might even have experienced some of those things in my own life, but in the end unless you see and know that Real assets were/are being pointed where they shouldn't be, or manipulation in the true sense(not merely well prepared urging) Then just like me your probably fighting more of a sense of injustice rather than a real one.

Just seems to me we owe those who we give impossible missions to at least the respect to withhold judgments of their moral clarity to a higher standard then RS or some pissed off ex-employee