Quote Originally Posted by jcustis View Post
I need a rolling on the floor emoticon, as if I could show you video of how fast the Afghans are able to put them in, you'd be a little shocked.

And as for expertise, a pressure plate is ridiculously simple, in both construction and materials, and emplacement.
You're right about Afghanistan, but Afghanistan is not Libya. Afghans have a decade of experience. Afghans have an established training and supply network. Afghans are more organized. The Libyan's are a ragtag bunch who are starting from square zero. Afghans are emplacing in the context of an occupation against a force that largely operates in a predictable fashion from known positions, not as a consequence of retreating from superior forces, etc., etc., etc.

Set your wayback machine to 2001-2003 in Afghanistan. Why didn't we see many IED's (a total of 7 ied fatalities from 2001-2003 and none in 2001) from retreating Taliban forces?

I'm not completely confident in my assessment (hence use of the word "suspect") so if you have an alternative then by all means, let's hear it.