Kudos to Selil for the excellent analysis on the media and it's evolution. I largely concur.

A few comments:

Turner is also shied away from not only because of his emphasis on a spatial interpretation of the American experience but the subsequent impact he had ( along with Mahan) on the influential thinkers in Theodore Roosevelt's circle including Henry Cabot Lodge and Brooks Adams.

The blog, web forum, social networking tools, and more have existed in many forms for about 40 years. The mass adoption by the population in general of these tools is relatively recent. New tools are being spawned at a fascinating rate. The podcast is 21 months old, and IPTV is only about 48 months old. I can see where SWJ has a podcast as part of its dissemination tools in months if not sooner. Most information warfare types are still peering at natural language text based processing tools for indexing and categorizing adversarial content. While the tools of dissemination have moved from text to vivid sound and video with the associated risks of discovery and increased content communication channels.
Very true. The developments in platforms right now is revolutionary and it is having a significant social effect in terms of aggregating and connecting the creative, intellectual " cream" outside of the MSM and political elite.

Thoughts Illustrated


Thoughts Illustrated # 2

Social Media Ecologies